Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

Will You be READY for The Holidays?

Holiday stress~ both the good stress of fun filled events, traditions and time with family & the bad stress of going here and there, trying to fit it all in and getting it ‘all right’ is a fact.  Halloween has come and gone and the holidays are just around the corner.  The best way to keep the holidays happy and healthy and as stress free as possible is to plan and prepare for it.

Some simple ways to do this are:

Continue to drink plenty of water
Get plenty of rest
Don’t allow your caffeine or alcohol consumption to creep up
Go for a Walk or take a Yoga class
Get a Massage or any type of bodywork that helps strengthen the immune system and relax overused muscles, lessens headaches, anxiety and depression

Don’t let the stress of the upcoming season outweigh the joy you want to experience. Combat this with a plan and self-care. If you take the time to care for yourself, you will minimize the affects of stress. You will improve your phyaical and emotional well-being and be happier in the moment! And, isn’t that what we all want? To be happy in the moments we share with our family and friends in the upcoming season .

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