Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

Why use Deck Card Readings…

Deck Card Readings. Oracle Card Readings. Tarot Readings. More and more, people are gravitating to them. Some think it’s just a fun thing to do that has little merit. Others say they will predict for you and tell you what path to follow. But, really, the bottom line truth is that they allow you to slow down, review a situation objectively, become confident with a choice and step forward fearlessly.

deck card readings

The cards are a tool to use to make choices with greater ease, speed and confidence. They take the hem and haw out of decision making. If you take the time to use them, they will bring you peace of mind around choices and decisions. You can learn to use them yourself. As with any tool, the more you practice with them, the more you become skilled at using them. And, too, they will be there when you need them. Scheduling a reading requires patience and waiting for the guidance from someone who has much skill.

I do do readings. I prefer to teach how to use the cards. But, when situations are more complicated, I in-joy creating a personalized reading for someone. They can then take the wisdom given and meditate, journal, discover further how to use this sage advice and implement it into their lives. Offering the Affirmations around the cards that I do also gives the person the opportunity to believe in the choices that they will make from the wisdom given.

It is a great time of year to have readings done. As we end one year and enter the next, it gives us an opportunity to pause and begin with renewed energy the manifestations of our dreams. I’m doing something a little different this year for those who actually want a reading done. I’m offering the opportunity to have one now and one in 30 days (as my gift). It gives you time to work on any situation and re-assess after a period of time. It would be my honor to do this for you if you so desire. You can visit <Here>  to discover more. 

Tonight is powerful. A full  moon allowing for manifestation and a time to embrace the season. Try drawing a card for yourself this evening. It will give you great insight~  Have you ever created a reading around a moon cycle? In what ways have you had readings ~ DFY, DIY or other? 


  1. I always treat the cards seriously, once before New Year my husband with smile pull out one card and said “let see what going to happen in New Year”, than look for meaning of that card and laughing “looks like I’m going to have two jobs” on the first working day after New Year, his manager ask him to run two projects at the same time.

    Comment by Shasheta — December 17, 2013 @ 3:57 pm

  2. I love that your husband supports your belief and that he was able to manifest that outcome!!!! 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — December 18, 2013 @ 3:15 am

  3. I know :), after that he is more cautious with cards

    Comment by Shasheta — December 18, 2013 @ 8:21 pm

  4. Laura, I just love learning new and amazing things from you. FYI the moon is lovely and shining in my window!

    Comment by Cindy — December 20, 2013 @ 12:36 am

  5. I’m so glad you do, Cindy and hope you have an amazing week ahead 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — December 26, 2013 @ 8:02 am

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