Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

What is Empowered Enlightenment

Remember the first morning of summer vacation and that feeling of a clean slate filled with fun and sun ahead of you? Remember that feeling on that first summer’s day of running through the dunes to greet the ocean and all the joy it brought? Remember the curiosity with which you met life and the next adventure and the laugh and giggles everywhere? That’s the feeling you can get when you live your life from a place of empowered enlightenment. empowered_enlightenment   What is Empowered Enlightenment anyway?  Enlightenment is that AHHA moment when you see something in an entirely new way. You’ve been looking at it one way without understanding  and now it is seen with great clarity. Too often, we create tunnel vision and rely on the past to solve today’s problems. New problems require us to find new solutions. Certainly, we can look upon our experience and add in logic to solve problems but add in a healthy does , okay a large does, of enlightenment to a challenge and you come up with not just solutions but brilliant soul-utions!  To be empowered is to see the strength within you and to take the steps that you now understand will bring you greater ease and more joy! Empowerment is the ability to take the purposeful time to hear your own inner wisdom more clearly and to act upon it more courageously. And something, truth be told, we all need support in creating for ourselves. Whether you are a novice at using Universal Laws or well into your spiritual development, everyone needs support of an objective observer to assist in creating objectivity within. Finding a way to objectively look at any challenge is about taking the ego-chatter and negative self talk out of the equation, minimizing the emotional-connection, embracing our physical strength and allowing access to our own innate wisdom. Yes, you can have great mind-set and problems will get solved. Yes, you can soothe the emotional component of problems and take the drama out of  them. Certainly,  you can power house through any challenge but you will not discover a soul-ution. One that comes from connecting to your inner gps. Empowered #Enlightenment is about taking the past and the drama out of choices and basing them on your #inner #gps Share on X“] Empowered Enlightenment is about having the support and guidance to navigate our physical being properly to connect with our spiritual essence to solve problems to elevate our passion and pursue our purpose with greater ease for more joy and abundance than possible. I’ve seen so many struggling with this lately! More and more professional women & entrepreneurs are opening themselves to bigger possibilities and challenged by it.  Are you working and playing without joy in your heart concerned about the next challenge or being pulled to do something bigger and better in your life but don’t know how to ‘listen’ fully? Are you worried that you may miss some Big Sign or that you will lose hope in this enlightenment process? The Soul Wise Living Empowered Enlightenment Session has been created just for this purpose. A session, with no long term obligations, that will open you to further understanding your own inner wisdom and access to knowledge that your soul is wanting to share with you! These sessions are tailored to meet your needs so that you hear this wisdom with greater clarity and step forward with greater ease and courage.  If this calls to you, you can discover more <here> The summer is coming!!! Isn’t it time you saw the world with the Joy of a child again? When you solve challenges with empowered enlightenment, you are able to discover this inner curiosity and joy to navigate both the challenging times as well as those that are already filled with delight! Today, I wish for you on this beautiful day,  Empowered Enlightenment so that you can step through challenges with grace and ease for more Joy in your life! What kind of support (private coaching, group services, retreats etc) do you receive to Open yourself up to understanding your inner wisdom?

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  1. Love this post! Thanks for this: “When you solve challenges with empowered enlightenment, you are able to discover this inner curiosity and joy to navigate both the challenging times as well as those that are already filled with delight! ” ~ Awesome!!

    Comment by Lori Manns — May 19, 2015 @ 9:53 am

  2. Thanks, Lori! Hope it serves you to look to your own inner curiosity!

    Comment by Laura Clark — May 26, 2015 @ 10:07 am

  3. Laura, this comment really struck me today: “Everyone needs support of an objective observer to assist in creating objectivity within.” I often think I “should” be able to do for myself what I do so readily for clients, but I am NOT the best objective observer for my own life. Your post is both a gentle reminder AND a permission slip for allowing myself to accept help from the wonderful people in my world who will celebrate with me AND kick me in the butt as needed.

    Comment by Kathleen Watson — May 19, 2015 @ 1:59 pm

  4. Kathleen. In all my personal growth and development over the years, I have never done better than when I am using a sacred coach who does just that celebrates ME and supports me in going deeper all at the same time! A sacred objective observer is one used by so many advancing people!

    Comment by Laura Clark — May 26, 2015 @ 10:09 am

  5. Laura – love the offer and the joy you bring to life and looking ahead. This notion of ’empowered enlightenment’ is a new thought, but your focus of support and guidance to navigate where you are and to connect with ‘spiritual essence’ to solve new or old problems is not. Thanks for always helping all you serve to step forward with ease, additional joy and amazing abundance ~ what a great way to run into summer!

    Comment by Cindy — May 19, 2015 @ 7:02 pm

  6. You are most welcome ~ excited to watch you run free this summer!!!!

    Comment by Laura Clark — May 26, 2015 @ 10:09 am

  7. Your use of the term “empowered enlightenment” brought me up short and made me think about what the terms separately and together mean to me. My meaning doesn’t coincide with yours exactly yet they are on parallel tracks. My take away from this lesson is to live like a child, full of innocent wonder and set aside all that clutters my adult world now. And, yes, to have the freedom to seek support/guidance to navigate the intertwined dimensions of being me. Thank you.

    Comment by Lilia Lee — May 20, 2015 @ 1:14 pm

  8. Meanings are very personal, Lilia and that’s what listening to your inner wisdom is all about…finding what fits and embracing it; tweaking it if need be or using the insights to help understand your own meanings! Glad you are able to see the benefits of looking with innocent wonder in all that is before you!

    Comment by Laura Clark — May 26, 2015 @ 10:12 am

  9. TRUE: Finding a way to objectively look at any challenge is about taking the ego-chatter and negative self talk out of the equation, minimizing the emotional-connection, embracing our physical strength and allowing access to our own innate wisdom. – I never knew how much mindset was in charge of this whole experience here on earth. My fledgling journey continues as I find my way out of my own way…

    Comment by Cena from — May 29, 2015 @ 8:57 am

  10. Getting out of our own way, Cena! Yes, it sounds easier than it is….and it goes beyond mindset….it’s about mindset, emotion set, grounding set and SoulSet!!! You’ve got this 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — May 29, 2015 @ 10:48 am

  11. This word, soul-utions, really spoke to me, Laura. I interpreted it as tuning out all the standard advice or conventional wisdom and asking myself what I really want. And this, “discover this inner curiosity and joy to navigate both the challenging times as well as those that are already filled with delight” is one heck of an appealing outcome!

    Comment by Lori Nash Byron — June 1, 2015 @ 10:28 am

  12. Isn’t it though Lori! And, it happens… a skill…the more we develop this, the easier it is and the greater the outcome 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — June 10, 2015 @ 8:18 am

  13. Love your definition of Empowerment. I’ve never heard it defined that way before. And you’re so right! We all need the advantage of an outside observer to help us get clear of the ego-chatter and demeaning self-talk.

    Comment by Nancy Tierney — June 3, 2015 @ 6:52 pm

  14. And, for those who are ‘knee-deep’ in disempowering themselves, it is critical to have support and centering. For those who are embracing empowerment, being their own personal sacred observer is enlightening!

    Comment by Laura Clark — June 10, 2015 @ 8:19 am

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