Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

Understanding The Signs in Your Life

7 Simple Steps to Understanding the Signs In Your Life

Do you ever feel like something is trying to tell you something? Do you wish you could get an answer to your question but don’t have the resources at your fingertips to do the research? Are you overwhelmed and looking for a way to slow things down?

Today when answers from ‘google’ are at our fingertips most of the time, people are finding it more and more challenging to hear their own inner wisdom, to see the signs that the Universe is giving us and to follow their own gut instinct.


The universe speaks to us all the time through a variety of formats. Nature gives us answers in the form of animals, weather, plants and more. Songs will come over the airways with meaningful lyrics. Someone will say or do something that seems coincidental to your situation. These are all given to us to support us in seeing how the Universe gives us signs and to appreciate their messages.

7 tips on how you to see and Understand the Signs from the Universe that are in Your Life Share on X

Here are 7 tips on how you can begin to decode yourself and your life and to cultivate understanding the Signs in Your Life

ASK ~ Always Seek Knowledge

As in anything in life, understanding the signs of the universe is a skill and can be developed. Begin to cultivate looking for signs from the universe.  Start with easy questions to develop an innate understanding of what various signs mean to you.

Stand and BE at Attention.

To do this, you must slow down. To see the signs, you must pay attention. You must be able to BE in the moment and BE keenly aware of your surroundings. Uplevel the antenna on your senses. What are you smelling, seeing, hearing, feeling? This is vital to seeing the signs of the Universe. They are always there but if you are in a hurry-up-and-go state they will be easily overlooked.

Know Thyself.

Seeing the signs from the universe requires you to be keenly aware of YOU. Since we are one with the universe, a sign must resonate with you spiritually. Discovering your resonance with spirit is also a skill and can be cultivated with mindfulness, self-reflection. This can be done through deep journaling, meditation and Being still with oneself and hearing your own intuition. The more you tap into your intuition, the clearer your questions will be and signs will become more vivid to you.

Cultivate A Dictionary of Meanings.

Signs given to you are personal. Understanding their meanings, therefore, are an extremely personal nature. Each of us will interpret signs differently. Skunks and squirrels mean different things to different people. Clouds and Rainbows signify different things. It’s important to begin to understand what meaning we place on things that come to us through signs.

As you begin to pay more attention to your surroundings. Ask yourself what that means to you? What does that billboard mean? It’s images? It’s words? What is the deeper meaning to these?

Focus on recurring signs. These will happen. Often when we are not ASKing for an answer so as to be a cosmic 2×4 for us. Pay attention to these ~ particularly if they come in three’s and allow yourself time for introspection to discover what they mean to you.

As you step into the art of ASKing, this internal dictionary will come into play for support.


Cultivate an understanding of the signs of your life by reflecting upon them in a journal. As you develop the skill of ASKing and seeing, the power of your pen will help magnify their messages for you.

KISS the signs…

As you begin the practice of developing the skill to understand the signs from the Universe, many people want to complicate the process. Don’t! Keep It Simple Sister!

The Universe wants to support you. It wants you to succeed. It wants to give you a sign and have you understand it and follow it for your highest good!  To do this, you must get out of your own way. Allow the sign to come through and have trust and faith that it is there to support you.

Of special note, is the Universe often has a sense of humor! The funnier the sign, the more powerful it will be.

Find the Signs. Follow the Signs.
Understanding the signs of the Universe is one of the best ways to know you are on the right path and/or to shift gears in your life. Seeing them and understanding them is one thing. Once this skill of understanding comes to you, you must then Follow them to fulfill your dreams!

Cultivating and Following these 7 tips will allow understanding the Signs in Your Life for greater clarity

The universe is always here to help you, so let it! This life doesn’t have to be complicated and full of drama. Begin to Understand the Signs to allow them to be guideposts on your journey to joy, love and abundant living.

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