Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

To Reveal or Not to Reveal…To Be Vulnerable or not to be….

Most people are concerned only with what they can get from the world, but,

it is what we are able to give to others that determines the quality of our life.  ~Amma


I hate being photographed. I’ve been that way since high school. I had braces for four years. I was a heavy set girl. I have a gummy smile. The list of imperfections goes on and on and on. And, like so many others, I compared myself to other girls I think most people do ~ even men, admit it!

Connecting with My Inner Wisdom has over the past 15 years allowed me to embrace qualities about me that I would never on a conscious level do. And, through this discovery process, I see that “I am who I am” and that “I am enough”.…more than enough. That’s why I do the work in Soul-Wise that I do. I so love sharing my system of allowing other’s light to shine, to step forward with the support and knowledge of their own inner wisdom to embrace all that they have and are. Ultimately, this leads to profound success at work and in life.

Last year, I had a picture taken with a friend that I actually liked of myself. And thought…hmmmm…”You ain’t so bad for a woman turning 50″ The Universe has a way of putting things in your path when and only when you are ready for them. It was about this same time that I was introduced to The Revelation Project.

Their mission is: to witness, celebrate, and document the self discovery of women. And, have women participate in a photographic experience outside of her comfort zone. They then ask to have her give voice, expression and consciousness to that experience and finally have it fully documented and shared. I believe they have done a tremendous job naming their project!

My Photographic Shoot: was so very hard and difficult. As I said, it’s been challenging just to have a ‘snapshot’ with friends. THIS was so hard. In fact, at first, I even tried to hide behind the box they had as a prop! My emotions went the full gambit from this is kind of fun to trying to ‘escape’ behind my sense of humor. The women of the project would have none of that indeed ~ they gently and compassionately commanded my soul to come forth.

The Pictures: I’m amazed. I was talking with my best friend about them and she asked what did I see? And, I said, “I simply see pure light and joy coming through my eyes. Yes, the actual picture is terrific. But, I see past that in them into my heart and soul.” Her response? “That’s all that your friends and family have ever seen Laura.”   You can see the entire shoot here.


The Lessons: are many and still coming to me.

But, FOR YOU, my heartfelt desire is that you are able to see yourself as those who support and love you do.

That you allow your Soul’s Inner Beauty to Shine.

If I can help you do that, please let me know. If the amazing and talented women of the Revelation Project can help you, please email them @

But For today: Put on some makeup, Grab a Friend and have her take a picture of you and look into the lens with all the inner wisdom you can muster!!!!!!!!! I think you’ll be surprised by what you see. I hope you’ll see the Inner Beauty that I see in you. 

Do you like to be photographed? Are you critical of pictures of yourself? I’d love to know!!!

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  1. Sharing your vulnerability like this gives me and other readers the permission to do the same, and also to have hope! I see your beauty in this new picture, but I saw it in earlier pictures as well :). Sometimes it takes others’ vision to help clarify our own. Thank you for shining a light for us.

    Comment by Sandi Gordon — November 14, 2012 @ 12:44 pm

  2. You are welcome, Sandi and you are so right too. Each of us has our own ‘schtuff’ that when unrecognized, when unchallenged lies in wait to sabotage (self) us in our own desires and dreams. When we challenge ourselves and release our fears and vulnerabilities, we are able to claim our joy and move successfully forward on our journey to our dreams! 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — November 14, 2012 @ 2:29 pm

  3. Oh, Laura that picture is gorgeous! And as you point out in your post, it’s not just a bit of professionally applied makeup that makes it extraordinary. It’s that the photographer captured your spirit and I can see it in your eyes. Beautiful.

    Comment by Lori Nash Byron — November 15, 2012 @ 4:51 pm

  4. Lori! Thank you…it’s funny, when I first looked at this particular picture, I looked so beyond the ‘details’ of it and literally ‘saw’ for the first time my inner spirit. It was quite an experience~ like meeting my soul for the very first time ~ and hearing him (yes, it’s a him!) say “Finally you see me and hear me ~ I’ve been talking to you for 50 years!!!!!!) 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — November 16, 2012 @ 6:24 am

  5. Hi Laura! I love your picture first of all. Your wisdom really does shine through! I know that people in business hide sometimes because it seems as though our culture has promoted what’s right/what’s wrong and what some leaders say is right (business suits, toned-down personalities, big ego) is mis-leading. I’ve found that true success always comes from being authentic and vulnerable. Your picture reminds me of this lesson to stay true to who I am despite what the “leaders” say.

    Comment by Janet — November 16, 2012 @ 1:15 pm

  6. Janet! Thank you. I agree with you ~ vulnerability only make you more attractive. I LOVE when someone I admire shows me their humanity ~ it makes them only shine more. KEEP SMILING & SHINING 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — November 16, 2012 @ 8:13 pm

  7. Laura – I am beyond delighted that you’ve had these pictures done. I too can see into your soul, and your personality shines through.

    Yes, thank you as well for sharing your vulnerability – it can only ever lead to good things.

    Comment by Sarada Chaudhuri — November 16, 2012 @ 3:12 pm

  8. Thanks, Sarada! I always was the ‘tough’ one and never shared challenges, fears or concerns. But, know now, that by sharing we only become stronger as individuals and as people! Thanks for your thoughts KEEP SMILING 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — November 16, 2012 @ 8:10 pm

  9. Love that photo of you! I used to hate having my photo taken until I started singing (again) and went through a number of photo shoots. Now, I love it! It’s a blast. Especially if you have the right photographer, someone who is playful, easy and likes to laugh.
    Oh, drinking a little champagne doesn’t hurt either.

    Comment by Nancy Tierney — November 16, 2012 @ 3:27 pm

  10. You? Nancy? hated having your photo taken? WoW! This project was really amazing and the photographer was exceptional at making ‘me’ show up. Champagne never hurts 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — November 16, 2012 @ 8:08 pm

  11. First, I just love the pictures. Second, everything you say is absolutely true. I used to be the same way. I ran whenever someone pulled out a camera – literally. That all changed when I started to lose weight as I recovered my health from MS. I began to love pictures of myself and now I pose like a diva. But it wasn’t because of the weight loss. It was because I finally saw who I really was. We are beautiful.

    Comment by Laurie Erdman | Chronic Wellness Coach — November 17, 2012 @ 11:44 am

  12. Yes, Laurie, we are and you are not only beautiful….you are SPECTACULAR!!!!!!!!! KEEP SMILING

    Comment by Laura Clark — November 17, 2012 @ 12:05 pm

  13. So completely inspiring, Laura. I can’t wait to do this, especially now that I lost those 40 pounds and feel so good about myself! Better than I have in over ten years! I still am a bit camera shy. I am betting this project would help change that. Thanks for posting about your experience!

    Comment by Catherine — November 18, 2012 @ 9:40 pm

  14. Catherine!!! YOU are inspiring ~ 40 lbs and you do look fantastic. I bet if you did the project you would find out things about yourself that were hidden from you through the lens of the camera ~ it certainly would!!! I completely understnad the camera shy thing but it’s funny, i had a few pics taken of me with friends just this weekend and I definitely embraced it differently 🙂 KEEP SMILING

    Comment by Laura Clark — November 19, 2012 @ 8:51 am

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