Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

To Pin~your~interest or Not? Why I said “YES” to Pinterest.

Pinterest. I had heard about it and avoided it. Friends asked me to join and I say “nah” I didn’t want to get seduced into a new social media venue. I didn’t have time. Afterall, I had enough avenues to focus on with Facebook, twitter and Linkedin, Right? And it was hard enough to manage them without them using up massive amounts of time.

Pinterest. More and more friends and colleagues were joining everyday. So, I peaked. I found this Pinterest thing Interesting. Certainly colorful and inviting but no ~ I was not going to do it! I didn’t have the time. I was fearful that it would suck me in.

Isn’t it so true about anything new? We avoid new things because of fear. Fear of something that usually is not true-nor certainly as bad as we think it will be. After all, I didn’t even know HOW pinterest worked let alone how much time it would take to learn.

Pinterest. A friend of mine showed me her boards one morning over coffee. She showed me how it worked and even gave me some ‘tips’ on how to manage your time with it. As we were going through it, I saw how useful it could be for my clients. Visuals always make for great learning. Some of the techniques I use ~particular applying Feng shui to your space~ to show how to Re-align Energies for Abundance and Prosperity (R.E.A.P.™) could easily be achieved through visuals in Pinterest.

And, so Pinterest, I’m on board ~ I always like to do extra things for my clients!

Since I’ve just started what kind of boards would you suggest I create for you? Do you have any that you’d like me to follow?
Do you ‘do’ Pinterest? What do you like best about it?


  1. Love this, Laura. I’ve been pondering Pinterest for a while now, avoiding it because, like you, I thought it was just another thing to do. But I’m quite a visual person, so the concept appeals greatly. Perhaps you’ve just persuaded me to give it a try! 🙂

    Comment by Susan — October 10, 2012 @ 9:33 am

  2. Susan! Do ~ but what I do is when I go ‘on’ Pinterest, I put a timer up in the corner of my computer and when it goes off ~ I go off!! KEEP SMILING

    Comment by Laura Clark — October 10, 2012 @ 10:05 am

  3. Laura, like you, I didn’t jump on board with Pinterest right away.
    When I did, I found it a bit addictive and enjoyed putting together my boards about my beautiful golden retriever, social media, marketing & copywriting, inspiration, etc.
    You can find my pins at and see which boards you like best.
    Happy pinning! ~Debra

    Comment by Debra Jason — October 10, 2012 @ 9:48 am

  4. I’m going to go check, Debra! You said the magic words “Golden Retriever” We have 20 month old twins 🙂 I’m sure I’ll like your other one’s too! KEEP SMILING

    Comment by Laura Clark — October 10, 2012 @ 10:04 am

  5. Hi Laura –

    For the first few months that I started with Pinterest, I just looked at my friends posts…for hours. There were so many photos of yummy food that I just got hungry every time I went on Pinterest! Oh and the crafts and garden ideas were abundant and made me want to go shopping…LOL! I did have to learn to pay attention to my time, as well.

    It is a great resource for everything imaginable, so I wonder back to it a few times a week.

    Happy Pinning to you!
    Cindy Mihalko
    Easy Solution Greeting Cards
    Your Celebration Solutions

    Comment by Cindy Mihalko — October 11, 2012 @ 11:49 am

  6. Cindy~ Isn’t that true….I could so easily get absorbed in the colors and ideas! You’ve inspired me to put it on my ‘todo’s’ when I need inspiration!!!!!
    I’m still going to use the timer when i go on though 🙂 Happy Pinning to you too!

    Comment by Laura Clark — October 11, 2012 @ 12:48 pm

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