Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

How to Create Time For Self

Creating Time for self is not a luxury. I’m generally pretty good about this as I’ve created my own spiritual development time each day ~ it’s time for me to reflect on my BIG Vision, where I’m going, what steps I can choose to do to gain more clarity for myself and ultimately, be more to those people who matter most in my life: my family, my dogs, my clients, you! This is imperative for me but

I’d forgotten that this time is not a gift. I’d forgotten that this time was not a luxury. You see last month I moved my office after 14 years in one spot and it became an all consuming task. It did so that I ‘gave up’ this creation time for a few weeks. I’d forgotten that creating time for self is not a luxury. I’ve felt unsettled and off-kilter. This is NOT good for someone who helps other settle and set paths forward for themselves.

Enter Blizzard NEMO!!! It was a gift given to me to realize that creating time for self is not a luxury. With no electricity and power for 72 hours, I was forced into time. Yes, we had to shovel. Yes, we had to drag endless logs from outside to our fireplace. But, it also gave us Time to just be. I discovered ~ all over again ~ how important time with family is. How important, critical even, time with self is.

Even My Little Tarsi had to give up her seat when it was Time for Me!

Even My Little Tarsi had to give up her seat when it was Time for Me!

The benefits of creating Time for Self are many. They include allowing you to see what your priorities are, recalibrate projects, center self and so much more.

It’s very easy to do creating time for self. Try this simple formula: 

I did just this. Nemo gave me the gift of recreating my own spiritual daily practices by getting my calendar out and assessing where this time would go. It’s non-negotiable because, yes, Creating Time for Self is Not A Luxury!  What have you done in the past to do this and how can you put it into your life now? 

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  1. Hi Laura! This is sooo needed – for sanity’s sake. I had a little me-time last night where I watched Downton Abbey and it was absolutely delicious. I can’t tell you how wonderful it was to not have to do anything for anyone else and to just veg out. Thanks Laura! Janet

    Comment by Janet — February 13, 2013 @ 5:15 pm

  2. So glad you were able to carve out precious time. It can be so challenging for a newborn’s mom!!! <3

    Comment by Laura Clark — February 14, 2013 @ 12:40 am

  3. I feel I carve out time every morning that let’s me hang out with my higher self, God and the truth within. It’s become essential, like food and water. For me, it’s about taking time to play and be frivolous as well. I don’t get much time for that, and it’s all part of what makes life delicious, balanced and enjoyable.

    But today, I’m having fun! Taking off this afternoon to do some biz errands but then, a little birthday shopping, a trip to the Guitar Center, and some long car riding time with my honey.

    Comment by Nancy Tierney — February 14, 2013 @ 11:08 am

  4. As it should be on valentine’s day!!!! Happy Hearts to you 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — February 15, 2013 @ 6:45 am

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