Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

The Company You Keep ~ Energy UP or Energy Down?

My mother. She always would say to me “Choose your friends well.” That’s all she would say. It took me a long time for me to understand exactly what she meant. The company you keep ~ the friends you choose ~ will either bring your energy UP or they will deplete you.

As I look back over this past month, I realize how true Epictetus (Greek philosopher AD 55- C. 135) quote is “The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.” I was blessed to be able to have many interactions with people who accept me as I am and who make only one request of me: to be the best I possibly can be. It’s all in the company you keep. I was elevated and energized just by being in their presence.

You may know by now that I believe everything has energy and it’s own energetic field. This is true of people and the company you keep. Have you ever been on your way to a meeting, to meet a client or an appointment and found yourself taking many deep breaths and saying to yourself “How am I going to get through this next hour?” That’s energy down. I found myself going to networking events this month, client appointments and going to spend time with friends smiling and thinking “I can’t wait to see x, y and z.” That’s energy UP. It’s all in the company you keep.

Feb. Mastermind ~ Can you find me?!

Feb. Mastermind ~ Can you find me?!

I am blessed and give great thanks to my Client Attraction Gold Mastermind group The women of The Revelation Project, women biz owner’s like Victoria Moutahir of  BodyKneads Massage and Jeannie Spiro  The Career Woman’s Business and Marketing Coach, who I am honored to call friends!  And, of course, my family, friends and my four footers whose wagging tails always elevate my life! Oh, and am blessed to have had such a wise mom! What company do you keep that you can give thanks to for elevating you?

What kind of company do you keep right now? Look at your calendar for the next month. I bet it might just say what kind of month you are going to have by the company you will be keeping! If you don’t like what you see, How can you shift it?  If you like what you see, how can you continue to elevate it? 

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  1. Great post and thanks for the reminder!

    Comment by Vanessa Terrell — February 28, 2013 @ 12:38 pm

  2. You are so welcom, Vanessa!

    Comment by Laura Clark — February 28, 2013 @ 2:39 pm

  3. Aye, negative people and negative relationships need to be nipped before they drag one down to the bottom.

    Several years ago I made it a point to get rid of (most of) the negative energy around me. And that included dumping friends (or is it frienemies?) that only brought me down. And my mental health has been so much better for it!

    Comment by Angie Schaffer — February 28, 2013 @ 1:00 pm

  4. Frienemies! That’s a good one. It’s amazing how shifting this in your life can have such a profound impact on everything ~ mental, physical and emotional health! Glad you get it 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — February 28, 2013 @ 2:40 pm

  5. More and more people are beginning to discover the power of “positivity.” It’s not just about positive thinking, but about surrounding yourself with positive people (and energy).
    I’m doing that more and more each day via friends, mastermind colleagues and business colleagues/clients.
    Thanks. ~Debra

    Comment by Debra Jason — February 28, 2013 @ 2:36 pm

  6. You are so right, Debra! Some people think you can ‘simply’ shift your thinking but is hard to do unless you are surrounded by energy that supports it! So Glad you are doing that for yourself 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — February 28, 2013 @ 2:39 pm

  7. i remember my parents telling me that you are known by the company you keep.
    Yes it’s true that negativity creates its own downward spiral. So many are just plain negative and never have a positive thing to say. I know someone who posts the most dreadful stuff on FB – reports from around the world of unimaginable happenings and I wondered why I was feeling so down a lot of the time .. now I have unfollowed her ..

    Comment by susan scott — March 6, 2013 @ 1:44 pm

  8. This is a lesson I’m working on right now. I have a tendency to let anyone into my life, regardless of what they bring to my life, and I have to stop doing that. If all they are is an energy sink, I have to learn to let them go.

    Comment by Gwynne Montgomery — April 14, 2013 @ 10:17 am

  9. It’s a good lesson to learn and do, Gwynne. Though it can be one of the harder one’s in life sometimes!

    Comment by Laura Clark — April 14, 2013 @ 10:26 am

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