Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

Start Spring Cleaning & Gardening ~ with Your Mouth of Chi!

It’s Spring! Confused as to where to begin with all those projects of your’s? Don’t know where you’ll get all the energy to do all the inspired work of your dreams? That’s an easy answer. Start with your front door.

The front door (in feng shui speak) is your “Mouth of Chi”. The more positive and abundant this front door space is, the better your home’s overall energy will be and more blessings can enter your home and life. This will uplift your spirits and inspire more dream creation!  It pays off to keep your entrance happy.

The entrance area does not just consist of the front door itself. It includes the front door, the path leading to the door and the entry hall. Need some ideas of how to create more energy so that your spring is filled with joy and abundance? Here are some suggestions:

THE PATHWAY: brings a flow of energy to your home

  1. Make sure the path is clear. Trim or remove any large bushes or creeping plants that block it.
  2. Repair any steps or pavers  that are loose. If you have an old pebbled walkway, consider putting a fresh layer of stones down.

THE DOOR: embraces the energy brought to your home and welcomes it

  1. Be certain that it opens easily & fully.
    1.  If the hinges creak, apply a little oil.
    2. If the door does not swing full open, clutter clear the area behind it so it does.
  2. If the door has not been painted in a few years, it’s the perfect time to spruce that up!
  3. Make sure your door bell works and/or the knocker is polished.
  4. Place a statue to bring protection to your home on the stoop or front porch. This should be something that resonates with you that brings stability to your family.

THE ENTRY WAY: sets the tone for the rest of the home and allows the good energy in your house to flow easily throughout it.

  1. Should be clutter free. Find another area or use a closet for shoes, bookbags etc away from here.
  2. Many entryways open up onto a wall and many people put a mirror here. That will just send all the energy back out the door! Try hanging a crystal in the entry way or a shelf that you can put a crystal vase on to disperse the energy throughout the home.
  3. Make sure the area is bright and well lit.

And don’t forget to USE THE FRONT ENTRANCE even if the back door is the door your family goes in and out of most of the time. Opening the front door and using it allows the energy to breathe throughout the home.  Your home needs to take a deep breath and speak up just like you do! So let it by using the Mouth of Your Home.

Take a look around your front door area……..Make a list of what you’d like to see done in this front door area this spring. In fact, what can you do RIGHT NOW to bring more energy to it?


  1. Wow, what great information, Laura! I can’t wait to spruce up my front entry way starting tomorrow!! Thanks so much….so uplifting! Blessings! Mar

    Comment by Mar — April 30, 2014 @ 1:00 am

  2. Mar ~ so glad this post gave you inspiration! If you want to share with me, I’d love to see your before/after entry way pics!!!! KEEP SMILING 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — April 30, 2014 @ 11:06 am

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