Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

Creating Your Spiritual Survival kit

There are times in our life when you really just Got To Get Away! Those times when life places you on overload and you know you just have to stop and rest for a moment to get your strength back. It’s time now to be Creating Your Spiritual Go To Survival Kit ~ a kit that allows your soul to not only survive during those challenging times but that has tools within it so it cant thrive. Creating it with intention allows you to easily access it when the time comes to take an obstacle and shift it into an opportunity. 



A young woman holds her hands over her ears to block out irritating sounds.

Got To Get Away!!!!


Your Go To Survival Kit ~your soul survival kit ~ can include a number of things and a number of options.

Some things to have in your Survval Kit include: 

Ideas for A #Spiritual Surivival stay #centered and on course Share on X

1. A sacred Place ~ where no one ever knows your going ~ your secret hiding place if you will ~ where you can think on your own without intrusions

2. A Sacred Friend ~ that person who doesn’t judge, who doesn’t tell you what you ‘should’ do but rather the person who you trust to simply have a cup of tea with who will just ‘be’ there for you.

3. Sacred Bodywork ~ what kind of bodywork do you love where you can really just sit back and truly relax. A massage; A pedicure; Reflexology; Facial….so many but in your Spiritual Survival Kit choose the one that best brings you back to center, joy and peace-of-mind. 

4. Sacred Journal ~ the place where you can dump your thoughts and emotions and then ask yourself the core questions that allow you to fin dthe answers and strength rom within.

5. Sacred Cry ~ yes. The Art of Crying is a must to cultivate so that you can rid yourself of a vibration that doesn’t wokr for you, soothe yourself and step back to living soul wise to move forward from. 

6. Sacred Music ~  there is nothing like having a playlist handy for those times that you want to get away but still have that commute to make. 

7. Sacred Personal Item ~ you might choose a crystal, or prayer or worry beads, or a figurine of an angel. It’s a sacred item that allows you to re-focus on what your priorities are, give you strength and allow you quiet your mind to make choices base on your inner wisdom.

What do you want to put into your survival kit? Here’s your chance to think for a moment and start writing a list of what you want to put in your soul survival kit. If you need some support in this, reach out to me ~ it’s one of my areas of expertise!!!! What tools do you use ~ beyond the one’s mentioned ~ that allow you to return to a place of calm and centered~ness. Let me know in the comments below!

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  1. Such a great list of ways we can just get in tune with ourselves!!

    Comment by Kelly — August 13, 2015 @ 9:29 am

  2. Thanks,Kelly!

    Comment by Laura Clark — August 17, 2015 @ 11:59 am

  3. great list! I also learned to say “all is well, I am loved” when I feel any stressful emotions coming through. It’s a way of remembering that the present is the only thing that truly matters and that I am loved 🙂

    Comment by araceli — August 13, 2015 @ 12:25 pm

  4. Love That~ Araceli!!!!! It is so true that in this moment there is no fear and all is well. Reminding ourselves of that is the biggest challenge!!!!

    Comment by Laura Clark — August 17, 2015 @ 11:59 am

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