Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

Simplicity ~ how to achieve more by embracing it

Simplicity…..        So many people ask me: “How can I un~complicate my life and keep things simple?”  The answer is easy ~ embrace simplicity.  It is incorrect to interchange simple for easy, not getting much done, just taking it as it comes. That’s not simplicity as I reference it.

Simplicity is doing what’s necessary and letting go of the rest.

Simplicity in doing only what's necessary requires keen insight into knowing what is necessary Share on X

Simplicity in doing only what’s necessary requires keen insight into knowing what is necessary and what are the most important things ~ the priorities ~ that will help create and manifest the joy and abundance that you so richly deserve. Simplicity also requires letting go and having faith in knowing that the things you let go of will have a way of finding their proper place  and time or by getting ‘done’ by others or not necessarily needing to be done at all.

Card by Soul Coaching™ Oracle Cards Author Denise Linn Publisher Hay house

Card by Soul Coaching™ Oracle Cards Author Denise Linn Publisher Hay house

By creating simplicity much will be achieved and received.gettingthings accomplished (getting clear, creating joy, manifesting abundance) does not have to be complicated. In fact, having ‘complicated’ creates chaos. By making things so difficult and involved, disorganization is sure to happen. This will create confusion in systems (kinks in the works so to speak) and by osmosis, confusion will be created internally nd on will disconnect from their core, their center, their spirit, their soul.   Simplicity can be created by following basic and effective systems (think getting up out of bed, brushing your teeth etc etc) more can be achieved. By letting go of what’s unnecessary (or better yet having someone else do some of that work) much more can be achieved.





Simplicity ~ doing what’s necessary and letting go of the rest.







Do you create simplicity in your life? Do you find when you waiver from the systems you’ve created complications step forward?

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  1. Great article, I posted the link on twitter!

    Comment by Diane @ Me, Him And The Cats — January 10, 2013 @ 7:36 am

  2. Thanks for sharing!!! It’s ‘simple’ share your message with support from you! Thanks 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 10, 2013 @ 7:56 am

  3. I love your definition of simplicity, Laura. It’s true though, do what matters and let the rest go. When I stop thinking like that, its amazing how quickly drama and overwhelm start to creeep back in!

    Comment by Jan — January 10, 2013 @ 7:40 am

  4. Yes, Jan!! So many people turn to the challenges and the drama within them rather than the simplicity of the solution. Glad you Step back from the overwhelm ms. Jan and Keep Smiling 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 10, 2013 @ 7:57 am

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