Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

Oracle Cards, Tarot Decks ~ Do you own any & should you?!

Yes. I think everyone should. Oracle cards speak to people in a variety of ways. And, I believe that learning from oracles. They bring deep guidance to any question. You receive clarity about your circumstances. I often get BFO’s (Blinding Flashes of the Obvious) when using them.


Because you were inspired by a reading, saw them used at a health fair and were fascinated by it or a friend uses them and thinks you’d like them too, you may want to choose your own deck and I think this is great! Decks should be treated with a great deal of respect as they are guidance from you inner-soul. Many people create special places to keep their decks and often clear their energy before and after using to ensure that the information you are receiving is pure. (That there is no energy leftover from a prior reading. I have my own personal deck that I use and then several decks I use with clients.)

There are HUNDREDS of different decks available and choosing one is a completely personal matter. Some are based on mythology, angels, the elements and more. What one person may like another would turn away from.  It can be a difficult job finding the right one!

The best method for choosing a desk is rather simplistic. See how one FEELS to you. Go to a metaphysical store and touch and feel the individual cards (not an option in many larger book stores). See which one’s resonate for you. Remember, if you bring a friend who like medieval qualities and sees a box that is PERFECT ~ it will be~ for her. This is your choice ~ let it resonate!

If you want to learn Tarot, you will need a traditional 78 card deck. The original Rider Waite decks are great for starting this process if you are looking for Tarot Decks.

If you are looking for general guidance from your inner soul:  Oracle Card decks are great.(can be 78 cards but do not have to be) Two of my favorites include Doreen Virtue’s Daily Guidance from Your Angels  and Denise Linn’s Soul Coaching Oracle Cards. Both come with guidebooks to show you how to draw cards and understand the readings you give yourself or friends!


I pull a card for inspiration daily from the Soul Coaching Oracle card Deck. Today, mine was Silence.  A BFO!!!! I’m getting over a hoarse voice J Do you use oracle cards? Do you have a favorite deck?



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    Comment by Laura Clark — September 17, 2014 @ 11:56 am

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