Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

O is for Open

The Soul-Wise Living Alphabet

Inspired April 2013

The Soul-Wise Living Alphabet is launched to Awaken Your Spirit & empower your thinking. Words are Energy! They can lift us up and they can just as easily bring us down. Spirit driven words will raise your vibration UP. By finding the meaning these words have in your life and embracing them, one at a time each day ~ after the course of a month, The Soul-Wise Living Alphabet will have raised your energy up. My desire for you is that you are able to embrace your inner spirit  and, as a result, live In-Joy. ~ laura


O is for Open.

Being Open is  key to living a Soul-Wise life. To be Open is to be receptive to all that life has to offer. It’s being able to listen to what your inner wisdom has to offer and accepting it with love. Being Open allows you to receive the signs that life is offering you (Did you see my toilet story last week~ talk about being closed and what that will get you!) 

We close ourselves to the gifts this life has to offer because of two things. The first is the pain we have felt in the past. We tell ourselves “I’m not going to do that because I might get hurt” Being Open is about being vulnerable and knowing that there is nothing to fear. The second is ‘life gets in the way’. We have been conditioned to hurry up, get busy, keep going and this closes us to the inner wisdom that our soul has for us in our lives.

The secret, then, to being Open is to have the courage to be vulnerable and to take the time to slow down and listen to your inner GPS. 

What can you do today to be more Open to Receive? 

If you like this Alphabet and it is helping inspire you, please share the “Living In-Joy” with your friends by clicking the links below! And, don’t forget to share your thoughts below too, I’d love to hear from you!


  1. Hooray O is for Open! Is S going to be for Surrender?

    Ever play the ABC game by Esther Hicks? It is a pretty fun game.

    Comment by Brett Dupree — April 17, 2013 @ 11:22 am

  2. Brett ~ I’ve never played the ABC game but know of it (right, now friends of mine & I are playing the Prosperity Game and that’s awesome!) But, maybe that’s to be something I can do on my FB page with my fans~ Thanks for giving me another idea!! Love it ~ and you’ll have to stop by again to see what “S” is for 😉

    Comment by Laura Clark — April 17, 2013 @ 11:41 am

  3. Brilliant and right on! First, I love that the letter I landed on here today was “O” because, well, it’s the first letter of my name. 🙂 I’m in awe of how you’ve targeted the top two ways in which we sabotage ourselves into staying contracted and stuck. They seem so simple, but wow, they’re exactly right. Thank you for this reminder to slow down, and to let go of any old stories about the past.

    Comment by Oceana LeBlanc — April 17, 2013 @ 11:33 am

  4. Oh thank you “Brilliant” she says~ and I say “I love you” 😉
    Living Soul-Wise is not hard, really, it’s about taking the simple things and implementing them! Hope you are taking some time to go slow “O”ceana!!! HUGS!

    Comment by Laura Clark — April 17, 2013 @ 11:43 am

  5. Great reminder! This is one we can so easily forget as we get caught up in all of the things we “must do” every day! Thank you for putting it out here!

    Comment by Sheri Conaway — April 17, 2013 @ 12:04 pm

  6. You’re welcom Sheri ~sometimes it’s the simple reminders that carry lots of power!

    Comment by Laura Clark — April 17, 2013 @ 12:50 pm

  7. Hurt makes us put layers on our hearts and it’s so important to be open!

    Comment by Corinne Rodrigues — April 17, 2013 @ 1:21 pm

  8. So important Corinne, Yes! So important 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — April 17, 2013 @ 1:22 pm

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