Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

How to deal with Not thinking clearly…

What do you get when you use “nothing’  “no” and “Can’t” Thinking? You get gunk, clutter, inaction and just misery. And you do it more often than you may even realize. You get not thinking clearly and inaccurate thoughts that bring you down.

I’m good at that ~ most of the time at focusing  on the ‘what CAN i do with this challenge’ thinking. But, I’ll be honest. It doesn’t ALWAYS work. Sometimes, I don’t think accurately. I get stuck in that not thinking clearly zone.  I used to be such an ‘all or nothing’ thinker that I can get swayed back to that when I’m not embracing my own spirit, when I’m listening to others or in a state of comparison.

Truth be told, I had a week that was challenging~ lots of loose ends that I was having a hard time tying up tightly ~ if at all! And, I let the old mind-minions of not thinking clearly begin ~ they tried REALLY hard to take over. Fortunately, after a few hours, my inner GPS got very cranky. It started pulling on me and giving me ‘hits’ that something was not in alignment.


Think of the GPS in your car and what it starts doing when you take a wrong turn: “Re-calculating Route” ! My inner GPS starts saying that to me: “Time to recalculate your route.” This is because I’ve allowed myself to align with it.

Here’s what was happening: 
My mind said:                “I’ve got too many things to do and I have no help and no support.”

My inner GPS said:       “Laura, NO support? Really? Seriously?  Think again.”

And so I did. Here’s what I discovered:

HOLY CANOLY! That’s an abundantly, amazing amount of support. There’s no way that my thinking “I have no help and no support” was accurate, right?! I so was not thinking clearly! But, I was able to listen to my inner wisdom support me into a new vibration. One that aligned itself with my deep purpose ~ how to show other’s to live In-Joy to magnify the results in their work and life. I took a few moments to feel that fill me up and then, was able to quickly, easily and almost effortlessly tie up (and tightly!) those loose ends to embrace a weekend that did not have me over-thinking work!

I quickly was able to regroup using my own Success Formula of 7 Quick & Easy Ways to Propel Yourself toward more joy & abundance that I work through with my clients. I have so much support and abundance in my life. So, I decided I needed to share this process with you too and how you can discover living In-Joy with everyone!

I’m going to share it with anyone who feels the need to re-focus their thoughts from their own inner GPS. FREE on my upcoming Teleseminar!

Find out more about it and Join me on the Call! What have you got to lose? Maybe living out of alignment? Maybe living in stress? and Maybe, not embracing your true Terrific-ness? That’s worth  losing in my book!

What do you do when your mind goes astray? When it gets off kilter and is NOT thinking accurately? What are your secrets? I’d love to hear them!

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  1. Taking quiet time out works for me–either hiking in the woods, meditation or time with Jesus (the best since the Bible tells me that I have the mind of Christ).

    See Rachel’s latest blog post: The 16 Habits of Highly Unsuccessful People

    Comment by Rachel Lavern — April 14, 2013 @ 10:19 am

  2. I find that time in nature gives me that connection to Source that is so necessary! Thanks for your thoughts, Rachel!

    Comment by Laura Clark — April 14, 2013 @ 10:27 am

  3. Clarity is something I’m in desperate need of lately. I’ve gotten so off course the last few years that I’m struggling to even see the right path, let alone get on it!

    And I’m in awe of how the Universe keeps putting these amazing blogs and people in front of me this month that all speak to exactly where I am at in my life right now!

    Thank you!

    Comment by Gwynne Montgomery — April 14, 2013 @ 10:23 am

  4. You are so welcome Gwynne ~ the Universe IS giving you the flashlight to follow the path so you can see more clearly 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — April 14, 2013 @ 10:28 am

  5. Somtimes ou just need to sep away from it all for a while. Thanks for sharing.

    Comment by Carlana — April 14, 2013 @ 11:36 am

  6. So true. There is Power in Slow and the ability to refocus!

    Comment by Laura Clark — April 14, 2013 @ 12:09 pm

  7. Looking forward to your call Laura!

    Comment by Janine — April 16, 2013 @ 5:05 pm

  8. I’m so excited for it, Janine! I love sharing this approach to living In-Joy with people!

    Comment by Laura Clark — April 17, 2013 @ 10:28 am

  9. Oh, your timing is impeccable! My own thinking has been WAY off today. But your post helped me see that all is well. I have a ton of support and more is on the way. Thank you!

    Comment by Nancy Tierney — April 16, 2013 @ 7:02 pm

  10. You Do, Nancy! Support & Love you do have 🙂 Glad it was helpful.

    Comment by Laura Clark — April 17, 2013 @ 10:28 am

  11. Perfect timing! Just what the Dr. ordered!

    Comment by Lorraine — April 18, 2013 @ 1:00 pm

  12. Yeah!!!!! Hope the remedy works 😉

    Comment by Laura Clark — April 18, 2013 @ 1:44 pm

  13. Just the simple exercise of sitting down and making a list to recognize all of the support you’ve got is powerful! This is timely for me too. I’m practicing looking at each situation and thinking about how I can use it to my advantage, or simply letting it go to open up space for better things, rather than seeing it as a setback (which I am so good at doing!). It just feels so much more empowering to see things from an abundance perspective rather than through the mindset of failure or frustration. Big smile…

    Comment by Linda — April 20, 2013 @ 11:19 am

  14. Boy, do I know how quickly you can go from savvy entrepreneur to self-pitying mess! I laugh at myself sometimes when I start thinking thoughts like, “I never have any time to do what I want.” When I catch myself, I counter those thoughts with the truth: I have the time to do the things that are important to me. Your practice of writing down the truth would really make it stick. Thanks, lovely Laura.

    Comment by Lori Nash Byron — April 21, 2013 @ 10:46 pm

  15. Lori, remember too, that if you can go from savvy entrepreneur to self-pitying mess in a flash ~ you can go from self-pitying mess to savvy entrepreneur just as quickly and it sounds like you do when you catch yourself! Love it 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — April 22, 2013 @ 6:23 am

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