Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

New Moon Meanings

Tonight, there is a New Moon in the Sky. A new moon symbolizes beginnings when you look at old goals and set new one’s. The meaning of a new moon is the opportunity to start anew and refresh your dreams and desires. It is a time of magic! Did you set New Year’s Resolutions that may need a little boost to them by now? Have any of your goals gone from bright to dim? Now is the time to support them with the new moon energy and it’s significance and symbolism. 

For me, It is significant  to have a new moon tonight. Yesterday and today, I am gathered with an amazing group of powerful women who have strong desires and beliefs to spread more light, love and joy in the world by living On Purpose! We are embracing our unique abilities and supporting each other’s dreams. Here’s to an amazing new beginning for all of them.

New Moon Energy can be powerful.Tapping into this energy can support your dreams and desires.  You can add to the significance by creating a simple ritual to set your intentions.  Rituals do not have to be elaborate or follow any set  procedure. They simply need to have meaning to you.

Here’s a simplistic way of creating A New Moon Ritual for yourself:


Do you create times to renew goals, rituals or ceremony for yourself? Are they in conjunction with the energy of the various moon phases? What one thing can you do tonight to refresh goals or make new one’s? 


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  1. Some day I’ll have to share my story about “burning” old feelings … Lol. quite a story to tell! Thanks for the reminders Laura. I always intend to write in my journal daily but it seems to happen 3x a week. I hope to continue to incorporate that habit into my daily routine.

    Comment by Kelly — January 13, 2013 @ 6:32 pm

  2. 3x/ week Kelly is pretty awesome!!! Can’t wait to hear your ‘burning’ old feelings story!

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 13, 2013 @ 6:51 pm

  3. I am always awed by a Full Moon, thanks for getting me to think about the power of a New Moon!

    Comment by Janine Sarna-Jones — January 13, 2013 @ 9:36 pm

  4. You are so welcome, Janine. Yes, the full moon is so awesome to look at and garner energy from that we forget that the moon at all times has great influence upon us. Because of it’s direct connection to water (it’s effects on the ocean, tides etc), it is associated with the water element ~ our emotions. For me, if I know what moon phase we are in, I can better assess my emotions and move forward with the power that the moon gives! 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 14, 2013 @ 7:23 am

  5. Ah! Thanks for the reminds and the nudges to listen to the awesome energy that surrounds us in the cycles of nature. Yes, and as this new year dawns with its promise of abundance for all who are willing to except it … I so appreciate your mentoring to pause and listen, to pause and feel the energy.

    New Year’s Eve includes many rituals – one bringing in and taking out, another sharing a special blessing with those throughout the world. To today’s new moon and this amazing new year – Happy New Year Laura and all in the Soul-Wise Living community!

    Comment by Cindy — December 31, 2013 @ 10:22 am

  6. hi, burn what? the things not working or what i wish to have?

    Comment by kajol — March 30, 2014 @ 1:47 pm

  7. Kajol ~ burn the intentions you write down. It’s a symbolic act that let’s the Universe know that you have trust and faith that it will support these intentions coming true!

    Comment by Laura Clark — March 30, 2014 @ 6:54 pm

  8. My friends and family always say to me “oh Lee I thought of you today/tonight because I looked “up” and saw the strangest clouds or they saw the moon.

    Love looking up in life more of us should. Being grounded is hard for me so I always seek solace in the above and beyond I have so many clouds moon new or full sun rise or sunset picks My comfort. Look up in life I do when feeling stuck on the ground


    Comment by Leelee — March 25, 2016 @ 10:32 pm

  9. Great thoughts!!! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — April 7, 2016 @ 5:26 pm

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