Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

7 Steps to Moving Forward when things Change

Things change. And sometimes, when you are in the middle of a project, you’ve made the plans and the flow of them seems  effortless, things change quickly to make it not so easy anymore. What do you do to move forward when things suddenly change?

Yesterday, I moved offices. (Yes, I work out of my home office and virtually, but I also have a physical office.) I’ve been in the same location for 14 years and it was time for many reasons. So, I’d been preparing for this for a few weeks setting the day in motion. Things were going well and everything was in place. Then. Well, then the cog of the wheel~in~motion got clogged with challenges.  Things suddenly changed and the move forward was impeded.

The changes came in many forms. Some were physical ~ one of the pieces I was moving fell apart. Some were logistical ~ one of the movers was sick and couldn’t help. Some were emotional ~ I know this is the right decision for many reasons but I’m leaving ‘home’ and that’s often hard. The plan need to change. I needed to move forward suddenly in spite of the changes. What do you do to move forward when things suddenly change?

I’m not sure how I did that. But As I reflect back, I seemed to simply adopt a 7 step system whenever an obstacle needed to be overcome. And here it is:



The end of the day brought the lists of tasks completed! I was able to take those who helped out for a nice dinner and we had lots of laughs and giggles. Now, onto the unpacking and the administrative changes still to be made. I think I’ll paste these steps on the wall to remind myself of how to move forward when things suddenly change!

What do you do when your project shifts unexpectedly? 

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  1. Lovely post Laura! Great steps to move through unexpected change – which often happens to us all. We can look at these steps and have faith that we can move forward with grace.

    Comment by Sandi — January 20, 2013 @ 9:02 am

  2. Thanks, Sandi ~ it certainly is so much better than the ‘doom ‘n gloom’ alternative and landing in paralysis and frustration!

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 20, 2013 @ 9:14 am

  3. Love your 7 steps! Pinned it and twitted it for all to see! 🙂
    I must have used these steps more than I thought because I can so relate to them. PS- not a fan of moving…. good luck and welcome to your new office.

    Comment by Denys Kelley — January 20, 2013 @ 9:18 am

  4. Thank you, Denys, for sharing the info! it was funny how I was able to recover each time something went awry yesterday doing this without even knowing it! Hate moving ~ have resisted it for over 3 years but it’s time now. Still have to go back and finalize clearing of old office, unpack in new office and get phone/internet service switched!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The benefits so outweigh the challenges 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 20, 2013 @ 9:54 am

  5. Your 7 steps can apply to unexpected relationship changes, too. Great framework. Thank you.

    Comment by Dr Liesa — January 20, 2013 @ 9:18 am

  6. Liesa! So very true! Relationships are in constant eb and flow with some tidal waves too. Hadn’t thought of it from that standpoint. Great insight!!!

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 20, 2013 @ 9:55 am

  7. I like your list. It will be a good everyday plan for the changes that inevitably come along as well as the bigger bumps in the road.

    Comment by Charlotte Henley Babb — January 20, 2013 @ 9:41 am

  8. The bumps in the road are inevitable. It is about how we choose to go through them though, isn’t it?! Thanks for your comment, glad you enjoyed the list!

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 20, 2013 @ 9:56 am

  9. Laura, I need to print your list and put it at my office, my bathroom mirror… I am learning how to roll with change more gracefully and graciously.

    Comment by Catherine — January 20, 2013 @ 5:40 pm

  10. Rolling is not necessarily an innate ability but it can be learned ~ so glad my list will help you. I sometimes am amazed at how well i handle most (I’m still human 😉 situations that come up, I used to be someone who would not handle changes to plans very well. KEEP SMILING

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 20, 2013 @ 7:26 pm

  11. Today I had a similar situation, but it was a mental one. I love your list. For me the one that resonates most is “release judgments and fears” – I did that, and was able to keep moving forward on one of my projects which I had let lapse. I’ll mentally log the other steps as my process going forward. Thanks.

    Comment by Beatrice Johnston — January 20, 2013 @ 7:32 pm

  12. Glad that resonated, Beatrice, I think it’s one of the most important pieces. Let me know how it goes if you use the other steps! Keep smiling 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 20, 2013 @ 8:17 pm

  13. Great tips. Expect the unexpected and go with the flow. Visiting from UBC.

    Comment by Suzy — January 20, 2013 @ 8:11 pm

  14. Thanks for your thought, Suzy!!!

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 20, 2013 @ 8:13 pm

  15. 🙂 That’s right Suzy!! Easily said and often difficult to follow unless you b r e a t h e into the challenge!!!

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 21, 2013 @ 10:25 am

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