Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

Let's Fall Forward Together!

Thank you for taking the time to visit ~ please look around our new website and check back often for fun-exciting-nurturing tips for living the best life possible. I hope to offer you guidance to Energy-Up your life! I’ve taken much time this year to launch Soul-Wise Living. It’s appropriate to do so when Fall begins. Body-Wise Therapeutics continues with hands on healing And, now, Soul-Wise Living will begin with heart & soul healing.

Our journeys are always filled with many hills and valleys. It is hard to stay positive through all of life’s challenges. I know! ! It has taken me a long time to discover that joy can always be found ~ even in the most difficult of situations. It’s what we learned when we learned how to cross a street. “Stop, look & listen” It simply takes one to stop, to look to their core and to listen to their soul for Joy is always there!

It is my deepest desire to make finding that center, that core, accessing your soul a much simpler and easier process FOR YOU than it has been for me. It has taken me many years to align myself with my deepest beliefs. It is within this journey that I’ve discovered  a unique and authentic system to discovering that for yourself, and, to do so with great ease and simplicity. I hope you will allow me to help you along your journey to finding that center of Joy for yourself.

I’m indebted to all those who have made my journey and the creation of this work possible. To all the Friends and co-workers, educators and mentors, counselors and healers who have influenced my work and my choices. I’m especially indebted and owe deep gratitude to:

My High School coach and mentor: Dolly Howard

My classmates @ Bancroft School of Massage Therapy

Denise Linn, Laurie Bornstein & LuAnn Cibik for their teachings and their lessons

All of my clients: past, present and future ~ your trust in me & generosity of opening        yourself has taught me more than I could ever return.

To the Dogs: whose wagging tails have taught me so much ~ for each time their tail’s wag, a lesson has been taught. Most especially to: Pulver, Roo, Binker, Cedar and now, Tali & Tarsi, Delta & Delilah

To My Sister & Brothers, my Nieces & Nephews: family bonds are forever and growing up with you and watching you grow up has brought me much joy (okay, I’ll admit it ~ and a little angst as in all families. But,  I love you ‘to the moon and back again’


For My Grandmother: whose lessons were numerous but mostly for showing me to always say what you mean and mean what you say compassionately and to speak the truth ~ for your word is ultimately all you have. For My Mom: for teaching me all about the Wisdom & Lessons of Hummingbirds. I hope you are flying as freely and with as much exuberance as they do!  For My Dad: for showing me what unconditional ‘tough’ love and undying trust is all about. And, For My Hero: who has shown me what it truly means to practice the art of patience and beyond that,  what love is all about.


It will be my honor to help you in your path forward!


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