Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

K is for Kindred

The Soul-Wise Living Alphabet

Inspired April 2013

The Soul-Wise Living Alphabet is launched to Awaken Your Spirit & empower your thinking. Words are Energy! They can lift us up and they can just as easily bring us down. Spirit driven words will raise your vibration UP. By finding the meaning these words have in your life and embracing them, one at a time each day ~ after the course of a month, The Soul-Wise Living Alphabet will have raised your energy up. My desire for you is that you are able to embrace your inner spirit  and, as a result, live In-Joy. ~ laura


K is for Kindred.

 We must find kindred spirits to live a soul-wise life. One must realize that no man is an island and no man stands alone.It certainly is important to spend time alone to get to know oneself and be guided by your own purpose. It’s then that we can create the best possible community for that purpose to blossom in. 

Kindred ~ ness is about having a clan, a family of like minded individuals. Within this community, it is possible to not only live but thrive and be our best at all we try. Have you ever been around someone and just felt your energy deplete. This is not a kindred spirit for you. You must find groups of people that elevate your energy and who want only (and expect only) your best.

Kindred Spirits is about the company you keep and these individuals need to bring your own personal energy up! That is the kind of kindred friends and family to create for yourself. The Company You Keep is essential to allowing your own passion and joy out into the world.

Who, in your life, would you best release (or at least protect your energy) so that you can thrive? What kindred souls or sacred groups do you keep as sacred friends?

If you like this Alphabet and it is helping inspire you, please share the “Living In-Joy” with your friends by clicking the links below! And, don’t forget to share your thoughts below too, I’d love to hear from you!


  1. Of course my best friend Tammie comes to mind. Together we have this website and it keeps us in touch despite the 4 hour trip between us. We don’t see each other as often as we’d like but together we have this “child” that is one of our bonds. Even before the site her husband called us “twin sisters by different mothers”. Hopefully one day our schedules will allow us to visit each other more!

    Comment by Carolina HeartStrings — April 12, 2013 @ 5:54 am

  2. To me Kindred is the creation of spirit between two people that distance and time does not disconnect! It’s nice in this internet-age that you can connect with Tammie this way too 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — April 12, 2013 @ 6:13 am

  3. Really inspring and thought-provoking post. Often we take for granted the people in our lives and whether or not they are good for us. Earlier this year I made some decisions about some of the relationships in my life that were causing me to feel drained. I noticed a lot of dramatic shifts in my health and wellbeing and especially my attitude and mood. I was no longer burdened with negativity and the feelings of being inadequate. I was enough and I was better without them.

    Right now I’m really at the point of figuring out and honing in on my kindred souls. I believe I’m on the right path and have started to surround myself with people whom I have synergy with and it’s very invigorating. Thank you, Laura, for writing this post. I feel I will definitely be exploring and thinking about this more deeply over the next few days.

    Comment by Jocelyn Kelly — April 12, 2013 @ 10:50 am

  4. So glad you have made some great shifts already, Jocelyn! And, when you you focus on this and really go to find kindred groups, things really become alligned for you ~ let me know how it goes, k?! 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — April 12, 2013 @ 11:40 am

  5. Laura, great reminder about surrounding yourself with those who feed your soul–your kindred, and limit the time spent with those who suck the living soul out of you!!

    Comment by Melissa Brown, MD — April 12, 2013 @ 11:06 am

  6. Thanks, Melissa! Having you in one of my groups of kindred spirits is a testament to the post!!!! HUGS!

    Comment by Laura Clark — April 12, 2013 @ 11:41 am

  7. Great post! I can count on one hand right now the people in my life who are kindred spirits. My best friend of 30+ years, my grown daughter and son. on most days my husband (although I’m still on the fence about that one, lol). As I age I’m finding the desire to be surrounded with more like-minded women, to be held in a community of kindred spirits where I can thrive and help others to thrive. As I’ve become more open to the idea, the universe has been answering that need.

    Thanks so much – glad I found you via the UBC!

    Comment by Evelyn Kalinosky — April 12, 2013 @ 11:53 am

  8. Isn’t it great when you open yourself up to the possibility how the possibilities come to you ~ you are so fortunate!!!! (And, I think there’s a kindred spirit at UBC too 😉

    Comment by Laura Clark — April 12, 2013 @ 12:01 pm

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