Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

The Three Critical Reasons why you need to join groups of Elevating Women

Groups of Elevating Women. Networking groups for business. Workshops and Seminars for personal and professional growth. Meet Up Groups. Even exercise classes and girl’s nights out, right? They are all made up of women who want to better themselves and who want to make a difference in their own lives and in the lives of others. I had the privilege of spending time with women this weekend out to set the world on fire. And by being with this group of elevating women, I was able to go deep, step up and reach more people.


elevating group of womenHere are just a few of the very many amazing women I spent time with:   

At Left Jeannie Spiro of  who helps women with online business mastery and gaining a 6 figure business.

Upper right, Jeannie with Heather Poduska of Clear Voice Branding is a brand strategist who helps women find their voice and grow their businesses.

Right middle is Wendy Sabin of who shows women entrepreneurs how to discover their profit sweet spot!

Catherine Storing (lower right) helps women define their personal style, dress the part & remove blockages getting in their way of success at


 Here is the complete and total and simplistic reason why you need to join a group of elevating women. Here it comes. Are you ready? Do you think you can handle it?

You can’t Do “It” Alone!

Believe me I’ve tried. I’ve tried building a business alone. I’ve tried personal growth alone. I’ve battled depression ~ alone. (Now that is an oxymoron and an entire book all by itself!) And what not being with a group of elevating and like minded women does is this: 

By joining groups of elevating women because of a common theme allows you to succeed in ways you never even thought possible when you joined them.

Here are the three critical reasons why joining (or simply visiting) a tribe of like minded women is essential to your own professional, personal and spiritual development: 

1. The World is meant to be shared. Nature shows us this. Nature grows by being in elevating groups.

Tribes, packs, flocks (whatever you want to call them) are critical to the support of your well being. It’s that time of year when geese migrate. Think about how they do it ~ they journey together. Not all at the same pace but together they travel. Your time here on this planet is meant to be shared with kindred spirits ~ it’s been like that throughout time. The last few decades, we’ve gone off this path. (I know I did and it hurt!)
      The end of the 20th century, people tried to show us to be wildly strong and fiercely independent. That we could tough it out and go it alone. Thank GOODNESS, women are beginning to see the light. Networking groups that have a spiritual connection are flourishing. Workshops and Retreats on personal growth and development can be found any day of the week, any time of the year.  

2. We Crave Support. We desire to be heard. We deserve to share what we have. Elevating groups of Women provide this.

      We all need a soft place to land. Let’s face it. Our work, our spouses and significant others, our kids, our families and even our friends can be challenging. Life is not easy ~ it never was meant to be. We all hit potholes in the road and sometimes have to climb very steep mountains. It’s with the support and love of kindred spirits that you can find love and joy in spite of it all. women are at the core nurturing and loving and will provide that for you in a sacred community.

3. Elevating Groups of Women will see you for who you are ~ and will not let you get away with being anything less.

     When we share our dreams and our purposes with others, they want that for you too. We all have blind spots when we look at ourselves. Elevating groups of kindred spirits will show you these blind spots. Lovingly, they will also ask you to break through them and you can move forward with their support. They will not let you let your dreams be extinguished.

I saw clearly how my own evolution stopped the moment I allowed myself to ‘go it alone’. Yes, I’m independent.Yes, I’m self-motivated. Yes, I thought  I was moving forward. But, the reality of it was that I was unable to give because I was not receiving. Until I began to step up and out into groups of women (and yes, I have several that I am involved in), I was only able to shine a little of myself into the world. The more, I accept the grace and wisdom of the groups of elevating women I surround myself with, the more I am able to shine. And so will you.

What Groups do you belong to already that you can become more involved with? What groups can you identify that you would like to explore joining? (Understand your dreams ~ they will guide you toward them.) 

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  1. Great post Laura and well said! With more and more people losing the art of interaction because of dependence on electronic devices I think it’s even more essential for women to align themselves with like-minded others who can provide them with support. Glade to be part of your “tribe”.

    Comment by Ramona — November 5, 2013 @ 10:18 am

  2. Ramona! That’s so true ~ we tend to build our lives behind the screen even before electronics. Now more than ever!!!! I think that will be a post soon;-) KEEP SMILING

    Comment by Laura Clark — November 5, 2013 @ 11:18 am

  3. Love it Laura! I couldn’t agree with you more, it’s so important to have women support one another as they elevate. It’s what I’ve loved about now offering my group coaching and mastermind programs – the connection, community and endless support!


    Comment by Jeannie Spiro — November 5, 2013 @ 6:06 pm

  4. Yes, they are for so much ~ it’s all about the feminine awakening. Oh and don’t forget breakfasteseseesess too 😉

    Comment by Laura Clark — November 5, 2013 @ 6:17 pm

  5. Amen, Laura!
    Women together are amazing, powerful, movers and shakers. I love being part of the many tribes I am part of, I love seeing my sisters soar.
    I love how women have an amazing ability to hold the space for one another and say just the right thing when we need it most.
    I could not be growing my new wonderful platform without the support of the wonderful women in my life!

    Comment by Lisa Parker | Chief Manifestor — November 7, 2013 @ 12:27 am

  6. Thanks for the support Lisa!! Yes, it’s true that we all elevate one another when it the right group!

    Comment by Laura Clark — November 7, 2013 @ 11:02 am

  7. Right on, sister! Without groups of elevating women, I wouldn’t know about your wisdom! Since being part of Gold, I have regular Skype chats with fantastic, smart, ambitious women from other parts of the US and even other countries. (I know you do, too.) Knowing that my fellow chicas have been through similar challenges and being able to share resources and serve as sounding boards with each other fuels me every day.

    P.S. Huge Jeannie Spiro fan!

    Comment by Lori Nash Byron — November 10, 2013 @ 4:27 pm

  8. Love you Lori~ And all the gifts you are sharing. Jeannie is awesome ~ have you met her, Lori? She is one of my dear local~entrepreneurial~sisters!

    Comment by Laura Clark — November 10, 2013 @ 6:19 pm

  9. Thanks Laura for the article. You are so right about needed spiritual sustenance, and the fact that groups of like minded people will provide such.
    I appreciate you and your thoughts, always.

    Comment by Lilia Lee — November 12, 2013 @ 11:18 am

  10. Thanks, Lilia!!!! Indeed, it is with the support of friends and families that we can do much. It is with the support of people that elevate us that we can do anything 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — November 12, 2013 @ 5:39 pm

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