Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

How to Use Oracle Cards for staying in joy ~ in any situation

Life can come at you in a moment’s notice! It how you react to those situations that can be the difference to being down right miserable or staying grounded and in a place of peace, calm and in~joy. It’s at these times in life that we most need to take a deep breath and carry on with grace, humility and, dare I say, a sense of humor. Learning to use Wisdom Tools can do just that. Gaining clarity can happen ~ grabbing an Oracle Deck ~ discovering it’s wisdom and using that wisdom allows you to stay in joy. 

Oracle Card Draw that allowed me to stay in~joy no matter what obstacle I faced.


I put this into practice just the other day ~ life came at me and I needed clarity~ in a moment’s notice to stay in-joy in a situation.  I was in the way of a pole on the side of the road that I couldn’t see. The sun was blinding my eyes and I proceeded anyway. BAM! Accident! No one was hurt ~ except my ego. I was in the car with my man. We were just outside our mechanic’s shop when this happened. Several of the guys who worked there saw it happen. I was SO embarrassed. 

Fortunately, I had my oracle cards in my purse with me!!! I decided I needed some support to get through this moment. As the men were gathering around to analyze the situation. I used my system and drew a card. It was PERFECT (of course!) The card I drew was perfect: “You are Capable, Certain & Gracious” I was able to use the cards for clarity and remain in joy in the situation ~ as much of a booboo situation it was. 

As the conversation unfolded and the questions about how to fix it (indeed IF to fix it ~the car is a 1997!) came at me, I said to myself “I am capable, certain & gracious. These words allowed me to laugh at myself, make sound decisions and stay humble. I was indeed gracious to our WONDERFUL mechanic!!

Connecting to your cards for clarity has several elements to it. You must be calm and collected. State your Intention positively and draw expecting the best possible outcome. Because I’ve used them so often with myself and my clients, it becomes second nature for me. 

I’ll be sharing my secret system that I use for card drawings and show you the necessary steps to create your OWN powerful readings. You can then use the Oracle Cards to unleash your own inner wisdom to find solutions for your situations. . Come join me. Click <HERE> to register ~ it’s fun and it’s free and there might be time for a few bonus readings! Join me to unravel the mystery of Oracle Card use for yourself!

Have you ever used cards in a challenging ~ on the spot ~ situation before? I’d love to know!

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  1. Wonderful way to handle the situation.Love the humor in the situation. I have been in the path of some inanimate objects in my day as well, so I can relate.
    Which Oracle cards do you use?

    Comment by Lilia Lee — October 8, 2013 @ 10:54 am

  2. It was definitely an inanimate object!!! The one’s I had with me on this particular day are Anne Deidre’s ~ sh’e both an artist and an intuitive 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — October 8, 2013 @ 4:28 pm

  3. Connecting with your cards seems to be so seamless for you Laura! How awesome.

    Comment by Kelly — October 8, 2013 @ 3:59 pm

  4. It wasn’t once, Kelly. It took a little work 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — October 8, 2013 @ 4:27 pm

  5. Great! ~and how’s your car now?

    Comment by — October 8, 2013 @ 7:14 pm

  6. Can’t wait for you to reveal your secret! And I’m so glad no one was injured. 🙂

    Comment by Dorothy Pang, The Natural Fertility Expert — October 8, 2013 @ 9:58 pm

  7. Thanks, Dorothy!

    Comment by Laura Clark — October 9, 2013 @ 11:19 am

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