Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

How to Use Goal Cards

So you’ve heard about Goal cards and even made a few for yourself. Now what? How do you use Goal Cards to manifest your desires?

Goal Cards are written statements on a card of what you desire to manifest. It is best if they are written in the present, have positive energy, have a clear Goal and a date of accomplishment. An example would be: “I am so happy & excited now that I drive my brand new red, convertible before the summer of 2015 end.”  (Be careful, you might get a junker car or a new red bike because it doesn’t particularly declare the make and model and vehicle type) 

Clarity of the desire is one key ingredient but How to Use the Goal Cards is just as important to the manifestation of your desire. 

Here are My top 5 ways on How to Use Goal Cards:

1) While Brushing Your teeth ~ we all do it and first thing in the morning. It’s the best time to refresh your memory, set intentions and step into the feeling of manifesting all that you desire

2) On Your Commute ~ use them on the train, on the plane and even in the car ~ safely that is! I always have them at the ready. I read them before starting the car in the driveway, after the errand on the way to work and before getting out of the car and going into the office.

3) At Lunch ~ it’s a great time to re-invigorate your day with your hopes and re-focus your intentions for the afternoon ahead.

4) Before you go to Bed ~ infusing your dream-state with your intentions and getting into a place of feeling what you will have in your life, programs your sub-conscious to aid in the manifestation of it.

5) While you exercise ~ I’m a kicker ~ I love to kick and use a noodle as my kickboard and take my goal cards with me (laminated of course) to review over and over again.


#Goal Cards. How to use them is as important as making them #manifestation #creativity Share on X                         

Having Goal Cards is one way of manifesting what you desire when you USE them.There are many times and places you can do so. When you use them is one way of HOW to use them.

The most important thing about How to Use Goal Cards is the energy with which you use them. It’s with the feeling that what you are manifesting is in your life now. Embracing that feeling of how it will make you feel is the most important piece of this puzzle. If you read them with flat energy, you will get flat results. If you read them not believing they will happen, you will manifest the dis-belief. If, however, you read and infuse your being with How you feel now that this desire has come into your life, VOILA, it will manifest!

 If you want support in creating and using them, email me I’d love to help!    What other ways do you use Goal Cards? If you don’t use goal cards, can you see how they can be put into your daily life quickly and easily?

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  1. Thanks for the simple suggestions on how to develop and write these. Love that you share simple and easy ways to listen to your soul. Have an amazing day!

    Comment by Cindy — September 10, 2015 @ 12:10 pm

  2. Thanks Cindy….you too!!!

    Comment by Laura Clark — September 14, 2015 @ 8:41 am

  3. Good tips on how to put goal cards to use. Thanks for sharing them. My favorite one is taping them to the mirror in the BR and reviewing them when washing hands, brushing teeth, etc.

    Comment by Lilia Lee — September 22, 2015 @ 11:44 am

  4. Lilia ~ I may have to uncover and discover another favorite as I put the noodle away for the season and let fall come forward!

    Comment by Laura Clark — September 29, 2015 @ 10:28 am

  5. I love goal cards! I teach all my clients to make them – they’re awesome! I really should read them more often though. thanks for the tips!

    Comment by Cena Block of — September 29, 2015 @ 12:42 pm

  6. You’re welcome. They are great to make but it’s in the USING of them that magic happens!

    Comment by Laura Clark — September 30, 2015 @ 7:51 am

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