Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

How to make a Vision Board Work

Vision Boards work.  To make a Vision board that really works you must sink into your soul and focus on what your deepest desires are. That why I call them Soul Collages®. They are soul collages because they create a magnificent message for you to follow.


You can make a vision board work for anythingA time period. A particular Goal (health, wealth, career, your ideal client) Many are focused on them this month because it’s the beginning of the year and are considering making one for the year ahead but do not be limited by linear time. When it comes to listening to your soul, it will guide you to what it wants and the type of board you can create. 

There are many ways to physically make a vision board. Gather supplies, Create a space and time to honor this sacred work. Choose images/words/concepts that ignite the FEELING that you desire to achieve. After all, it’s not REALLY about having that fast, expensive, shiny car ~ it’s about what the feeling of that experience gives you that you want most. Arrange them in a way you desire, when it feels right, glue them down. And, voila, you have made a Vision Board.

But its not about having MADE the vision board that works. It’s about using that vision and aligning yourself to it. Vision does not get you where you want to be. Alignment does. Tweet: Vision does not get you where you want to be. Alignment does. @laurapclark

When we align on purpose, we take steps that get us there. Its’ about using the FEELINGS that you desire~ having the FEELING of what is on the board in your life to have and having them work toward what you want.

So to make a vision Board work is to view it and generate the feelings on the board in your daily work. It’s about allowing those feelings to fuel your actions. You, then, bring more of that into your life. You start working in alignment by generating the feelings NOW into your life!

So each day take action that is inspired from already having the experience of your desired feelings in your life. So, if your desired feeling is to be a more nurturing mother. what can you DO to BE that today. If your desired feeling is to have success you deserve as, than ACT as if that success already exists. . Do that.

When you align yourself with the feelings you want, and then act upon them,you manifest more of what you really desire. But you are not manifesting THINGS. You are manifesting experiences that those FEELINGS represent in your life. And this is the way to live soul~wise and in-Joy.

Have you made a vision board? How has that process felt for you? If you are ready and want some support, there are many Vision Board Classes available in many locations. If you are looking for support and want to create one virtually, Join me on Tuesday, January 20th (The Day of the New Moon) for the beginning of my virtual workshop to get my secrets to creating a vision board that works!  Get Details <here>

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  1. I have never made a vision board, only small vision maps – maybe it is time to do a Vision Board this January!

    Comment by Cindy — January 8, 2015 @ 3:10 pm

  2. Oh Cindy! You would love the process! If you want support with it, join my workshop:! It’s going to be so much fun and exponentially so if you’d join us!

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 10, 2015 @ 12:46 pm

  3. Cindy. this was a lot of fun last year!! Anything where we take time out for ourselves i think results in greatness! lol

    Comment by Kelly — January 12, 2015 @ 7:16 am

  4. Great post! Our ladies lunch group just did our vision board I think I will share this post with them so they can get the best out of their work! Thank you!

    Comment by Davia shepherd — January 9, 2015 @ 6:14 am

  5. Oh that would be great, Davia!!! I love doing Sacred Soul Collages® ~ my rendition of Vision Boards ~ did you know that you can have a private interpretation by me of them? Years of research went into this method of getting more from your boards and I am one of a few who have been trained in it’s metholdology!!! It takes the images and matches them with the best actions to take! I’d love to support your group with that too!

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 10, 2015 @ 12:43 pm

  6. Last year was the first time i had ever made a vision board… It’s crazy how those things have popped up throughout my life this past year!! You are a great teacher!!

    Comment by Kelly — January 12, 2015 @ 7:15 am

  7. Thanks Ms. Kelly!! You did the work and I’m so proud of that!

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 20, 2015 @ 9:13 am

  8. Thank you Laura! I’ve been doing it wrong all along. I’ve done the physical piece but not the emotional part. What a big difference feeling things will make! I can already tell. Thank you, thank you.

    Comment by Dorothy Pang, Fertility Coach & Acupuncturist — January 14, 2015 @ 7:29 pm

  9. Not wrong ~ just different ~ doing one by feeling is better than physical ~ doing one by your soul’s wisdom ~ game changer!!!!

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 20, 2015 @ 9:14 am

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