Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

How to Go Back To Camp~daily~Visit the elements & nurture the soul.

Revisit the Elements Daily to nurture your soul

Revisit the Elements Daily to nurture your soul


     Camp is ending for kids and overnight camps are losing their sun from the water’s edge earlier each and every day. The summer is waning. I miss camp. It taught me so much about personal growth and self-exploration ~ about stepping out of your comfort zone and taking chances and all the while knowing that you were supported in your efforts ~ not just by the camp but by your own courage and abilities. But, what I’ve come to discover is you can take the girl out of the camp but you can’t take the camp out of the girl. If you were once a camper, you are always a camper! To nurture the soul and stay in-joy, revisit the elements (air, water, fire, earth) daily.

     As spiritual beings, we are always on a self-exploration path coming to know ourselves better and better each day. So, I say go back to camp and relish in your own personal growth and self-exploration daily! And, you don’t need to actually Go To Camp to do that. It is good to at least go outside but, indeed, you don’t even need to do that. All you have to do is have ‘access’ to the four elements ~ Air, Water, Fire & Earth ~ to go back to camp, stay in balance, nurture your soul and live in-joy. Each of these elements pertains to qualities of yourself. Balancing thoughts, emotions, spirit & your physicality are essential to staying in balance and in-joy.

To re~balance, focus on the element that is best associated with the part of yourself that needs some guidance ~ your thoughts, your emotions, physical healing, lifting your spirits up.  Connect with the energy of that element ~ inside or outside ~ by going back to camp or sitting still ~ and you will automatically shift into spiritual balance.

Of course, you could “Go Back To Camp’. I did last year. We had a reunion and it was amazing ~ here I am with four sets of sisters all about the same difference in ages who went to camp together.

sisters2 The friendships that were started by the older siblings were easily continued by the younger one’s! And, it is in the spirit of that friendship that camp continues to exist in each of our hearts. It is in that spirit that we all can revisit nature ~ go back to camp on any given day at any given time ~ to visit the elements and nurture our souls. 

In what ways do you allow the elements to nurture your soul? 

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  1. Wow, Laura – perfect timing. I was just thinking how I need to sit still more. I’ve spent several weeks this summer camping, and I’m amazed every time at how quickly I seem to go back to feeling hectic after getting all relaxed in the woods. Thank you for the post!

    Comment by Emily — August 13, 2013 @ 12:23 am

  2. Timing IS of course, everything 🙂 SO glad you recognize how the woods support you. Now, to create strategies to bring it into your everyday life! Keep Smiling

    Comment by Laura Clark — August 13, 2013 @ 8:00 am

  3. Hi Laura! I LOVE CAMPING. This is the 1st year we’re not going because my 7 month old might have a hard time. This is what I do. Every night when I have trouble sleeping, I imagine myself in our tent. It’s cool, I can hear fire crackling and bugs making their sounds. It puts me at ease and it makes me feel whole again. I think we need to remember how powerful our imaginations are because we can “go camping” anytime in our minds and therefore refresh anytime in our minds. Thank you! Janet

    Comment by Janet — August 13, 2013 @ 1:12 pm

  4. That’s A Great visualization technique!!! Love it. Another thing you can do to go camping is simply hug a tree for 10 minutes…..I LOVE THat 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — August 13, 2013 @ 6:41 pm

  5. Summer camp memories are fun, and I love the idea of returning to summer camp – each evening this week I will be sitting outside with thoughts and quiet time. Thanks.

    Comment by Cindy — August 13, 2013 @ 1:40 pm

  6. I think that’s one of the reasons so many are being pulled to fire pits in their backyards or on their patios ~ a great way to be outside and raise your spirits! Enjoy it! 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — August 13, 2013 @ 6:43 pm

  7. Well, I always hated camp when I was a kid. Outhouses, mosquitos and outdoor games were never this princess’s idea of a good time. But man, I’d love to go to an adult music camp. Where musicians could hone their craft, perform for one another and sleep in cabins that rival the Hilton for comfort and privacy. A fantasy, I know.

    Comment by Nancy Tierney — August 16, 2013 @ 6:12 pm

  8. Not a fantasy ~ what you can imagine is always possible Nancy!!!!

    Comment by Laura Clark — August 17, 2013 @ 1:29 pm

  9. I love this Laura!

    In the UK, we don’t have a big tradition of summer camp as you guys do, so I never really grew up with this. Rather, my summer holidays were really dull, with nothing to do at best, or spent working (job or studying).

    However, that’s in the past, and I get to rewrite my future! I am much better at my own self-care, and taking time for myself, and I now look forward to the summer months, even if I am working, because I can find enjoyment in so many small things.

    Thanks for these ideas…let’s see what I get up to next summer!

    Comment by Sarada — August 20, 2013 @ 10:16 am

  10. Sarada! One of my favorite Camp Councelors was from the UK!!! She was fun ~ of course, she knew nothing of camping so it became funner for us 😉
    Camp is great for grounding but really you can do it anywhere you have all the elements!!! 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — August 20, 2013 @ 11:49 am

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