Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

How to Get into the Holiday Spirit!

The Holiday Season. It is upon us! Thanksgiving is right around the corner and then BAM into the holiday season we go! Are you looking forward to it? Does it excite you? Does it make you feel sad or melancholy? Our lives are so full as it is ~ how does one have time to get it all done when the holidays come upon us without getting overwhelmed? I’ve had so many people speak to me over the last few weeks (and in the last few Holiday seasons) about this. And, so I’ve decided to gift everyone with a call on How to Step Into and Stay In the Holiday Spirit! I will be hosting this on Thursday, November 21st and you can get the information about it <call log in expired

Holiday Spirit Christmas spirit

  I’ll be talking about Stepping Into and Staying In the Holiday Spirit then. But for now,  Here is one strategy for How to Get Into the Holiday Spirit: Define Holiday Spirit for yourself~ Understand what the Holidays mean to you. Do you want to celebrate with Parties? Is having a quiet, peaceful season more your style? If you do not know what you want, how do you create a way to get it? Without this understanding, you are sure to over commit, get exhausted, become overwhelmed and, in the end, be disappointed. Set your Own Expectations ~ once you know what Holiday Spirit Means to you, set your expectations to have that in your life. Communicate it to those around you; create activities that will allow the season to unfold with Spirit.  Remain Balancedget plenty of rest, eat right, exercise and make sure to get fresh air daily. As time takes off, it will help you remain in spirit.  Be Creative in keeping traditions or creating new one’s: ~ do you have a favorite Holiday Tradition? Create it, don’t skip it ~ even if you need to simplify it. It will allow you to remain in spirit. (A perfect example is something I’ve missed for years. A friend of mine and I used to get together and make Christmas ornaments together. We haven’t done it in years and it’s always bittersweet ~for both of us. We will call and wish each other a Merry Christmas and then say “Oh how I wish we could get together!” So, this year, we are going to do that ~ from across the country! We have already scheduled a Skype Time to create Christmas ornaments together! I’m so looking forward to having wine, playing music in the background and creating  something fun and special for the season as she does too ~ all via Skype! What a gift that is going to be for both of us!) Are you looking forward to the holiday season this year? How do you get into it?

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  1. You bring up such a great point, Laura. For some reason the holidays, among other things, are an experience that we allow ourselves to get swept up in ‘other people’s stuff’. What they want to do, how they want to feel, where we can help them. It’s time to take back our lives! Thank you for sharing this call and these tips in terms of grounding ourselves back into our own expectations, joy, and values. Oh- and your Skype call with your friend is a fabulous idea!! Enjoy, Elizabeth

    Comment by Elizabeth Scala — November 18, 2013 @ 9:38 am

  2. Thanks, Elizabeth! I’m so looking forward to the Monday night after Thanksgiving with my friend to connect with her! Our own expectations and how we create our time and our energy from there is so important throughout the year but really, this time of the year it’s extra-uber-specially important!!! Big Hugs to You!

    Comment by Laura Clark — November 18, 2013 @ 10:59 am

  3. What an appropriate post for me to connect with! I personally love pretty much everything about the holidays. From the decorating, to the shopping and all the traditions, holiday parties and fancy dresses and homemade cookies! But I sprinkle all of that beginning in early November but years ago I used to put in too many shifts at work and would be sick every Christmas Eve, so I totally know what it’s like to max yourself out. Now in regards as to why this is such an awesome post is because my business revolves around that very thing! We allow people to have more time to enjoy those traditions without the guilt. We provide everything from tree decorating ( and tree take down) to shopping, wrapping, shipping and buying al, the goodies for the holiday party. Even today we started hand addressing cards for 1 of our busy clients. So, I say… Do as Laura says… Then outsource the rest! There are people out there who WANT to help you!

    Comment by Kelly — November 18, 2013 @ 10:59 pm

  4. Kelly~ I so love the extra resource you are providing at this time of year for people. So, they can define what Holiday Spirit is for them ~ do that AND outsource the rest 🙂 🙂 🙂 Personally, I LOVE putting my own tree up ~ it’s an even filled with spirit & angels. But, you can absolutely come to my home and take it down for me!!! KEEP SHINING & SMILING 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — November 19, 2013 @ 6:45 am

  5. The season for me will include some quiet reflective time as well as time with friends new and old. I also like the idea of outsourcing – Kelly thanks for the reminder that there are people out there who want to help with the tasks that don’t bring me joy in the season.

    Comment by Cindy — November 19, 2013 @ 5:59 am

  6. I so love Kelly’s idea too Cindy!!! And am wishing you the kind of holiday that will Keep you in the Spirit you love!!! Big Hugs!

    Comment by Laura Clark — November 19, 2013 @ 6:46 am

  7. Great post. Define what the holidays mean to me! And no expectations. Are big for me! I have no expectations whatsoever. I will be present fully is my goal!

    Comment by Lorraine — November 19, 2013 @ 1:39 pm

  8. Being Present is a great way to spend the holiday, Lorraine!!! YES!!

    Comment by Laura Clark — November 19, 2013 @ 3:15 pm

  9. Laura, great tips on enjoying the holiday season! Something I have done with my family is ask everyone to come up with the one or two things in the holiday that they love most and that are important to them. Then we structure the holiday season to make sure everyone experiences at least one of their favorite traditions or activities. This is important especially if the people in your family have different energy levels or are a mix of extroverts and introverts. And it makes for a happy family because no one feels left out.

    Comment by Stacy — November 20, 2013 @ 8:11 am

  10. I love that Stacy ~ it brings family together to help support one another as they ‘accelerate their dream life!’ I love that you do at home what you do for your work~ so inspiring 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — November 20, 2013 @ 10:05 am

  11. The last couple of years we’ve always had a big holiday party, and it’s always been a lot of fun. Our friends love it. But this year, I don’t feel inspired to do it, but I feel obligated… like it’s expected. Or I have to keep up the tradition we’ve started. It’s hard to know whether it’s my laziness or my wisdom speaking to me.

    Either way, I so appreciate your call to raise the Holiday Spirit in a way that feels right to us.

    Comment by Nancy Tierney — November 20, 2013 @ 5:46 pm

  12. Wonderful post Laura. I find it so easy to get caught up in the hubbub around me that sometimes I feel overwhelmed by Christmas. Thank you for giving me some ways to stay grounded and connected to what Christmas really means to me.

    Comment by Susannah — November 20, 2013 @ 9:21 pm

  13. I’m so glad, Susannah. It’s so important to stay grounded all the time ~ and harder still to do ~ especially as the season approaches!!! Let me know if there is anything else I can do 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — November 24, 2013 @ 10:19 am

  14. Thanks for this Laura (although I’m also bummed I missed the call)! For the last two years I’ve had huge non-holiday projects to complete during the holidays, and now I find myself in that space again. Thanks for the reminders that will keep me in the holiday spirit nonetheless.

    Comment by Barbara — November 22, 2013 @ 8:46 pm

  15. Indeed, Barbara. For some this is a time when projects (outside of the holidays) are beckoning for our attention. Define that holiday spirit for yourself with this understanding and it can still be powerful for you~ let me know if there is anyway I can support you! KEEP SMILING

    Comment by Laura Clark — November 24, 2013 @ 10:21 am

  16. Thank you, Laura. Where I come from, the holidays were for big celebrations where the extended family got together. Lots of noise, music, laughter.
    Here in the States, my family has dispersed and we do not see each other too much anymore. I miss the love!

    Comment by Lilia Lee — November 27, 2013 @ 1:24 pm

  17. It is hard Lilia when you have traditions that you long to recreate when it’s challenging to do. Think outside the box ~ often that’s where the love really is 😉 Sending Thanksgiving love to you !

    Comment by Laura Clark — November 27, 2013 @ 2:02 pm

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