Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

How to Find More Joy~ 5 Fun Ways for 2015

Joy. We all want to find more of it!

And, the New Year is a great time to begin this. This is not about setting New Year’s Resolutions. It’s about uplifting our energies so that we can embrace all that is possible for a year of greater abundance and joy than ever before.

The ability to live in-joy can only come when we are doing what we are most passionate about. Joy easily flows to us and from us when we understand our deepest desires and the acting upon them daily. By using spiritual awakening tools, we can easily understand our inner most desires.



Create Ways to find Joy in 2015

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5 Inspiring Ways How you Can Find More Joy:

1) Create a Word of the Year ~ one that is all encompassing to how you want to BE and LIVE this year. What word will allow you to access the Wisdom Within?

2) Create A Vision Board ~ one that brings forward what your truest desires really are. (I’ll be hosting my popular On-Line Workshop for this in January!)

3) Create A Magic Box ~ A box that holds inspiring items; poems; gifts; trinkets of what you want to manifest. It becomes a place to hold your deepest desires and allows you to access their energy for manifestation anytime you want!

4) Create A Blessing Bowl ~ this is my concept for a gratitude jar that goes far beyond gratitude. Blessings hold a higher vibration and having this bowl where you ‘count your blessings’ and write them down next to your bed allows for deep gratitude to emerge and more of them to be drawn to you

5) Purchase an Inspiring Calendar ~ Create or buy a calendar that Inspires you. One that becomes a source of inspiration to set goals and take action steps toward a joyous 2015.
Incorporating any or all of these can bring inspiration to your daily life. They assist you to find the joy you want in your life and to live in-joy no matter what is going on in your world. Have you ever done any of these? Which is your favorite?

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  1. I’m just working on a vision board. it’s a perfect time for it. I usually choose a strength to work of the year. one year it was faith and another was patience. this year I’m going to focus on passion in my life.

    Comment by Louise Behiel — December 30, 2014 @ 1:07 am

  2. I love that focal point for a vision board ~ a strength!!!!! Can’t wait to work with people on developing their Vision Boards and Soul Collages™ in my Virtual Workshop next month!

    Comment by Laura Clark — December 30, 2014 @ 10:16 am

  3. Oh I love that expression of living ‘in-joy’. It really shows up when you make the choice…or I suppose when you have the deep realization that it is a choice. All of these tips are fun ways to bring your intentions of living in-joy into your life Laura. Beautiful!

    Comment by Bonnie Copeland — December 30, 2014 @ 2:09 pm

  4. Yes! It is a choice ~ no matter what you are doing, you can do it in-joy, Bonnie!!!

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 10, 2015 @ 12:48 pm

  5. 5 wonderful ways to find more joy – my favorite is to ‘create a word of the year’. What a nice way to tap the ‘wisdom within’. Thanks.

    Comment by Cindy — January 2, 2015 @ 9:30 pm

  6. I love all the ideas Laura! My intentions for the year are love and joy and I am so excited about creatively expressing them through a vision board, manifesting journal and other art forms! I also love the idea of including a blessing bowl in my family’s daily nurturing practice. I will leave a bowl on the dining room table and we can add a gratitude every day! Thank you so much and here is to an amazing 2015 filled with joy!

    Comment by Kelley Grimes — January 3, 2015 @ 3:03 pm

  7. Send me a picture of your Blessing Bowl, Kelley! I’d love to see it 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 10, 2015 @ 12:47 pm

  8. I love how you always bring things down to simple steps. Thanks, Laura, and may you have a very joyful year ahead!

    Comment by John Rasiej — January 6, 2015 @ 10:12 am

  9. John ~ sending you simple Abundance, Joy and Love for the year ahead too!!!!

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 10, 2015 @ 12:46 pm

  10. I love that your suggestions so TOTALLY align with what I’m doing in my life. The magic box and blessings bowl are two things I’ve not done. I think I’ll try the blessings bowl first – love that idea. Last year, I had a word of the year. And I’d almost forgotten to do it this year until you reminded me just now. Will have to meditate on it. Do you have a word of the year, Laura?

    Comment by Frances Arnold — January 9, 2015 @ 12:10 am

  11. Frances ~ mine is a bi-word of the year: Productive Abundance!!! It gives me the sense of flowing gracefully and easily from project and life events for abundance ~ even my relaxation will be productively abundant this year!! Let me know the word you came up with, k?!

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 10, 2015 @ 12:45 pm

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