Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

How to Choose An Oracle Deck

So. you’ve decided that you want to start using Oracle Cards or Angel Cards or Any Cards to help support your intuition. I’m so excited for you! You are about to embark upon a journey that will only unleash the power held deep within you. But, how do you choose an Oracle Card Deck that will best support you?

There are so many decks of cards out there to choose from. How you choose one that will best support you is difficult. There are angel decks, goddess decks, specific angel decks, animal totem decks, traditional tarot decks, celtic decks, abundance decks, gypsy decks, spirit decks, wicca cards, Guides Oracle cards,i could go on and on! Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh my!!! 

Photo Courtesy of The Dreaming Goddess

Photo Courtesy of The Dreaming Goddess

I think it’s great! Because, Choosing an Oracle Deck is really an exercise in tapping into your inner wisdom.

You want to choose a deck that has pictures that will resonate with you. If you are an animal person, an animal deck might be a great choice. If you love angels, an angel deck will connect with you. If you lean toward psychic phenomenon, a deck based on your psychic intuition will support you. What you don’t want to do is get a deck that doesn’t draw you in. When I first became intrigued with cards, I purchased a traditional wider raite tarot card deck. I hardly ever used them because the back of the cards was black and all those swords did not resonate with me!

Do you choose an Oracle Deck that has affirmations or guiding words on it or not? Many decks have affirmations and guiding words on them. Many decks do not. You may want to choose one with words on it that support the guidance you will receive from within. You may not. I find that this is completely a personal preference. I actually have one deck that was first published without the affirmations on it and the same deck (published later) that has them printed on it. And, I choose which one’s to draw from based on how open I am to messages on that particular day. If I am very open, I choose the one’s without the affirmation as I will be able to receive that information easily. If I am having a challenging day and need further support, I will choose the deck with the affirmations on it to get the additional guidance I need. I

One of the best ways to choose an Oracle Deck is to go to a metaphysical store or store that carries a large selection and hand hold many of them. The best choices for you come from holding and seeing the cards prior to the purchase. Do they bring your energy UP or do they bring your energy DOWN. The deck that you lean into and your energy is raised will be the best for you.  Blindly purchasing them on-line before doing this can lead to purchases that are not the best choice for you. I once went to a friend’s home who had well over 50 different decks. It was WONDERFUL. I discovered an array that I resonated with and shop for new decks still from that experience!

Do you use card decks? What Oracle Card Deck have you chosen for yourself in the past and why?

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  1. Not something I’m involved in, but you made it sound very interesting!

    Comment by Amy — February 27, 2013 @ 7:38 pm

  2. I remember my first reading I had done for me Amy. Didn’t quite get it but the second one was so spot on that I knew I had to pursue an understanding of it!

    Comment by Laura Clark — February 28, 2013 @ 7:53 am

  3. Absolutely! Feel their energy in person and see what speaks to you 🙂 Second, you stirred up a memory that I know that you’re going to love. My brother’s dog Sylvio used to pick angel cards. I totally forgot about this! I would shuffle them and fan them out as if we’re playing crazy 8’s. Then, gently with his teeth, he’d choose one and give it to me. Now, your readers think that I’m a nut but it’s totally true and thank you for stirring up this sweet memory!! Janet

    Comment by Janet — February 28, 2013 @ 4:37 pm

  4. Now, THAT is AWESOME…..Sylvio ~ the Oracle Reading Dog 🙂 Love it 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — February 28, 2013 @ 4:53 pm

  5. Thank you Laura. I have been wanting to explore Oracle cards and bring them into my daily routine but didn’t know where to start. Perfect timing. I’ll be heading to my local metaphysical store this week.

    Comment by Laurie Erdman | Chronic Wellness Coach — March 3, 2013 @ 7:52 am

  6. Awesome! Like your pendulum (because I know you use one!) answers very specific detailed questions, cards will help you sink deeper into your wisdom to find answers to Q’s that may be a bit broader! Let me know which one you pick ~ i’d love to see which resonates with you ….KEEP SMILING!

    Comment by Laura Clark — March 3, 2013 @ 9:19 am

  7. Thanks for this Laura!

    I don’t know if this falls into the Oracle cards category, but I recently purchased an app version of a deck of Law of Attraction cards from Abraham-Hicks. It lets you shuffle them around and you can draw one at random and reflect on the message. I really resonate with these – I like having affirmations/positive quotations to keep me inspired.

    Comment by Sarada Chaudhuri — March 4, 2013 @ 7:23 am

  8. I have the deck of his and they are magnificent ~ enjoy!

    Comment by Laura Clark — March 4, 2013 @ 4:32 pm

  9. I have been working with tapping into my abilities and this is EXACTLY the help and guidance I needed to choose a deck. I had no idea there were so many options but your advice is sound and was super helpful. Thank you! 🙂

    Comment by lila — January 9, 2014 @ 9:32 am

  10. Lilia ~ so glad to be of service. If you need more support, let me know!!! 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 10, 2014 @ 1:39 pm

  11. I have a small gift shop near me that has oracle cards and tarot cards. None of them resonated with me though at second glance. I’m drawn towards the angel cards. I don’t have much of a selection of stores outside my small town either which gets me to thinking I might have better luck online. What’s your advice on this dilemma?

    Comment by Casey Tevis — May 20, 2019 @ 10:09 pm

  12. Casey ~ I get this. It’s hard, sometimes to find the right metaphysical store to find your tools such as oracle cards.
    If the angel cards drew you in, I’d go on line and see if there is a deck like them that you think you resonate with.
    Often times, you can also go to images to see several of the cards. I might even go as far as printiing 2-3 of the
    images and see how they resonate. Then, shop on line!

    Comment by Laura Clark — June 2, 2019 @ 6:11 pm

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