Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

How to use Feelings & Images for Manifestation

It’s All about The FEELING. Manifestation is about creating the FEELING of what you want to happen and embrace that AS IF. There are many ways to create that FEELING ~ vision boards, mind movies, soul-journey meditations etc. Manifestation is a journey. It’s a process and we must in-joy the ride. Create the Feeling NOW so that it comes to you as the journey continues. From there, your dreams will be achieved.

The Lyrics from Flashdance’s What a Feeling have been floating in my mind as I start this new Year. It’s about the FEELING that dancing gives rise too. It’s about the FEELING of escaping from the fears that are hiding YOU from allowing that dream to be expressed:

First, when there’s nothing but a slow glowing dream
That your fear seems to hide deep inside your mind
All alone I have cried silent tears full of pride
In a world made of steel, made of stone

Images are a powerful way to bring that feeling into your heart. Using images that your soul chooses gives rise to belief. Using your soul to give rise to your belief and taking that feeling that you hold within your heart allows you to dance through the fears.

Take your passion, and make it happen
Pictures come alive, you can dance right through your life

Oh what a feeling!!!!

So use pictures to make that FEELING come alive and it will allow you to believe it, step through your fears and ‘dance’ with joy and abundance in your life.

If you want to discover how to bring Feelings Alive from Images that your soul chooses, join me this Saturday for my Virtual Dream Board Workshop. Allow your slow glowing dream to rise above the fears in your life and make ‘it’ happen! Manifest 2014 like never before!

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  1. Love, LOVE LOVE LOVE, this song! So inspiring. And such a great beat. Gets you really up and wanting to feel those feelings. You mention mind movie (and I remember you telling me about this before)- how did you create one again?

    Comment by Elizabeth Scala — January 7, 2014 @ 10:36 am

  2. Elizabeth, I simply used Microsoft Movie Maker. I wouldn’t say my mind movie would win any techie awards but it’s a 5 star for me 🙂
    And, I had forgotten how much I love this song too ~ I don’t think I had listened to it in a few years until it inspired this post
    now, I can not stop listening to it!

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 7, 2014 @ 2:06 pm

  3. Laura this is so true and such an awesome reminder! I have done goal/vision boards before but I have never honestly done one in pictures… I can’t wait to put time aside to try this technique! I did do a little mind movie once… Well…more ally its just about 8 pictures on one pg in Evernote… You have inspired me! Thank you!

    Comment by Kelly — January 9, 2014 @ 6:56 pm

  4. Images are so important. Add a ‘blurb’ about the feeling on the image too! Lots of different ways to create and manifest ~ It’s endless!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 10, 2014 @ 1:37 pm

  5. Laura,
    Imagery is such a powerful tool. I love music and it is evocative for me, as much as images…so maybe sound (for auditory learners like me) work just as well. Will have to see.
    Thanks for posting this.

    Comment by Lilia Lee — January 10, 2014 @ 12:11 pm

  6. So many people are using “Words for the Year” ~~ I have a Song For the Year!!! Whenever i need a pick me up this year, I’m going to go listen to it!!!!!!!

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 10, 2014 @ 1:38 pm

  7. This song brings back a lot of memories of my teens! Finding ways to inspire the feelings that give us confidence and energy are SO important. Music and dance have always done that for me. Sounds like vision boards may be an interesting way “in” too! Thanks Laura!

    Comment by Susannah — January 10, 2014 @ 1:55 pm

  8. Yes, teenage years and young adulthood ~ You should have seen me when the song came into my head, Susannah! And, vision boards are a way to be ‘in touch’ with those feelings!

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 13, 2014 @ 10:04 am

  9. Love this Laura!!! I could not think of anyone I’d rather make a vision board with than you…that sounds awesome!!!!

    Comment by Stacey Martino — January 10, 2014 @ 5:18 pm

  10. It’s going to be fun and inspiring and oh, understanding of the hidden messages ~ the people that are coming ~ let’s just say, they will have their socks knoced off!!! Hope you can make one sometime 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 10, 2014 @ 6:09 pm

  11. Laura, you are one of the most powerful people I know when it comes to creating a vision for the future and to help others to so. The socks will be flying !!!

    Comment by Cindy — January 11, 2014 @ 7:45 am

  12. The Socks flew all right!! My power went out just before the start of the webinar so we are doing it again not once but twice this month ~ hope you’ll consider joining us

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 13, 2014 @ 10:06 am

  13. Ohhh, my goodness, now I am gonna have that song in my head allll day! I may even do a split leap in my studio! Fun, Laura, thank you! Creating a very strong feeling and manifestation are new concepts to me. Thank you so much for the vision board reminder, but also for adding the important detail of truly feeling the emotion behind each image. Some times I get caught up in just “getting it done” and forget the purpose…to enjoy it! Best wishes with your workshop! Thanks again!

    Comment by Tricia — January 13, 2014 @ 4:58 am

  14. Oh, I’d love to see that split leap, Tricia!!!!!!!! Getting it done and over thinking are the two mistakes people make the most in the vision board creation. I’ll be doing not one but two more this month. Would you consider joining us?

    Comment by Laura Clark — January 13, 2014 @ 10:09 am

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