Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

Eight ways to find time for Simple Self Care that gives you Renewed Energy

“It’s so hard to find time for self-care” I think everyone’s said that in one form or another. And, it seemingly can be. But, self-care doesn’t have to be a full blown vacation or retreat. It doesn’t even have to be an hour’s yoga class or massage therapy session.


During the errand and event filled holiday season, it can be even harder to find that time. Seemingly, the proverbial holiday list never seems to get shorter. There is a lot you can do for self-care by taking simple breaks throughout the day that are focused on YOU and YOUR ENERGY!

You might not be able to physically get away but you can mentally. You only need to find 3 minutes. Here are eight ways to find those 3 minutes and 8 ways to take a mini vacation:

8 Ways to find 3 minutes in your day:

8 Ways to take a Mini-Vacation is as little as 3 minutes!

What other ways can you find time or give yourself a moment of self-care this holiday season and throughout the year?

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