Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

Do you have BFO?

I think you do! But, How often do you get BFO? Daily, once a week, rarely?

 I believe that when you are in touch with your deepest desires you get them more often!

And, that seems so contrary! IF you are KNOW who you are and what you want, why would you need BFO? You should not need BFO if you are connected on such a level. That seems like a logical correlation but then you don’t understand BFO!

When you are deeply connected and able to be in tuned to the stillness of life and the signs that life offers you, then BFO’s are your’s all the time!  Here’s where you get it:

What is BFO? It’s a “Blinding Flash of the Obvious”  ~~~~ and they are all around us each and every day.

 So why is it that people who are connected with themselves on a deeper more spiritual basis get them more often? It’s because they know to look for them! It’s about being present in your moment. It’s about asking the Universe “I need your support and can you show me the answer?”

The spirited individual looks inside of them for WHAT the deeper meaning of their life ~ they look inside for their dream. THEN, they look OUTSIDE Of themselves for the “How” to make it happen.

In the busy-ness of our lives, BFO’s are often overlooked. They get lost in the running here and doing this quickly so that we can get to that. If you are not present in the moment, then the BFO is not going to be blinding nor obvious.

BFO’s are often recognitions of simple behaviors that are of no redeeming value. A friend of mine gives an example from my her own life. She says “I had someone in it who had a negative attitude at the end of the day~ tired and worn out from ‘life’.  I allowed that attitude to drain me too. Then, I got the BFO (blinding Flash of the Obvious) when this individual said “you are so dreary sometimes”  Hmmmmmmm!!! Me dreary? ~and, I thought it was this person.  So, we came up with a plan and we started saying hi to each other with “What’s New & Good” and that changed the entire energy!!!!”

So if you want to gain energy, simply slow down and look for BFO’s. It may take some getting used to but don’t you think you are worth it? Simply ask for them and if need be do it over and over again: “A sign will appear”

What BFO can you find today in your world? What lesson will you learn from it? I can guarantee that it will give you amazing energy!



  1. So, now I know how it’s called!

    I’ve come to realize that doing things that I don’t enjoy doing (e.g. when working on writing projects that don’t satisfy me for one reason or another) drains me of my BFO capabilities. I should seriously take this to heart as a life lesson!

    Comment by Eleni Poulakou — April 4, 2012 @ 9:16 am

  2. The lessons are all around you, Eleni! Find them and then the projects that DO satisfy you will appear and you will be energized!

    Comment by Laura — April 4, 2012 @ 9:40 am

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