Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

Destiny By Design


       Chance? Choice? What makes success? The chances that you are given or the choices that you make. Sure, opportunity is a wonderful thing. Many people are blessed by the ‘chances’ they have in their lives. But, many people, too make the choices that create blessings. Success is a Choice. Happiness is a Choice. It is this that is the center piece of theSoul-Wise Living Clarity Success System. We create Success by the Choices we make and how to make the choices with greater clarity so that success is inevitable are the lessons that are taught.

This weekend, the Wheaton College Graduating Class was offered this sound advice by a very wise woman. Janet Robinson is a ‘local’ girl to us in RI. She graduated from Salve Regina College in Newport, R.I., now Salve Regina University, with a degree in English. She taught in Rhode Island schools for more than a dozen years, transitioned into the news industry and rose through the ranks at The New York Times Company retiring as CEO. I love this and I love her wisdom.

 This graduating class was told: “Choose to do the thing that fires your imagination, that sparks your spirit, that makes you happy and makes you proud. Choose to do whatever it is that you love and do it enthusiastically, relentlessly and unapologetically. Choose to serve the world by following your dreams and no one else’s. Do not chance life. Choose it.”  

(You can read the entire Commencement Address here.)

Do you remember any Commencement Addresses that could be more pertinent to you and your life now TODAY?  Can you learn from this one? How are you living?

If you live by connecting to your center, your core, your soul, you will do just as these young men and women were instructed. And what I love is that by living in integrity, you can no doubt also live “enthusiastically, relentlessly And Unapologetically!”

It’s simple: Just Choose! 

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