Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

Declutter to Renew Your Spirit

Clutter happens for a number of reasons.  Don’t underestimate the effect of clutter in your home. Your surroundings are a mirror of your inner self. Clutter is where Energy stagnates and is typically found in an area where your inner self and health are struggling. In fact, many times clutter is directly correlated to the area in your home and the meridian that needs focus in a facial reflexology session!

It’s difficult to move forward to embrace your life fully with this clutter surrounding you. How can you move forward when you are stuck in old energy?

 Spring cleaning and clutter control is therapeutic! It helps clear blockages in your energy by ending the stagnation! And, it is exceptional therapy you can do for yourself. So plan a time to do some of your own ‘rehab’ Create an intention around your spring cleaning~ declare it and embrace it! Determine how much time you have to devote to this and as nike says “just do it”

Approach your clutter clearing with clear goal setting techniques. What will you clean and when will you accomplish it. Do one thing at a time. Grab lots of boxes and label them (i.e. Trash/charity/give away).Ask yourself “Do I use it, love it?” If not, lose it!!!!  Don’t forget the good music to keep your EnergyUP while doing your ‘rehab’.  Add flowers to the space or spray with your favorite essential oils to further enhance your clearing of the space.

So, what space are you going to ‘re-energize’ for yourself first? If you are having challenges deciding, try your front hallway or foyer entrance.  You will be inviting new energy into your home by focusing on this area first and that energy will enhance your entire space and may energize you to go to another area.

When done, set a new intention for the space just cleaned. This will help keep it clutter free in the future.  By doing a project, big or small, you  invite renewed energy into your home and your life!  Embrace it and don’t forget to reward yourself!  After all, you’ve just finished therapy~ go have some fun or a relaxing moment. Your  Renewed Energy is not only therapeutic it’s good Feng Shui, too!

This doesn’t have to take a lot of time. If it seems overwhelming start small. You’d be surprised how much you CAN do in just 15 minutes! Where are you going to start? Let me know!

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