Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

The best Time to Connect to Your Inner Wisdom is …

Okay, so you’ve decided it’s time to connect to your inner wisdom~ your soul. Great! But, when is that? 

Your soul and inner wisdom only whispers to you. In order to hear it’s wisdom, you must LEARN to listen to it. That’s not easy to do when you are interrupted and drowned out by any number of things such as:

Early AM Connection

Early AM Connection

So, the best time to listen to your soul, to listen to your own inner wisdom is FIRST thing in the morning and there are many reasons why

~~~>Your subconscious is still available to hear (you haven’t started listening to yourself)

~~~>If you can remember your dreams, they are RIGHT there to teach valuable lessons ~ your subconscious and soul at play!

~~~>The days events have not begun to tell your soul to quiet down. You can HEAR it best first thing in the morning.

~~~>You are not thinking with your head or your heart, yet. They are still QUIET. Your soul’s whispers can be heard in this space.


It is this time that is best to connect to your soul, your inner wisdom, first thing in the morning! It is usually very quiet, and just a whisper can always be heard. In this space, the quiet~tude of the morning that allows the soul to speak to you the loudest, where you can hear the lesson you need to know and where you can connect to your own inner wisdom the best!

Let your soul be heard in the wee hours of the morning (by this I mean just 10 minutes earlier than you get up now ~ don’t you deserve to spend time with your own best friend and isn’t just 10 minutes in the morning worth that?) When do you try to connect most with your own inner wisdom? (I’ll be posting How To next so be sure to subscribe to this feed below!)


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  1. I totally agree that morning is the best time to connect with Spirit. I also find that being out in nature any time of day can help me quiet the mind/ego and reconnect to my inner wisdom.

    Comment by Minette Riordan — July 9, 2013 @ 10:46 am

  2. Love that Minette! I agree ~ when we take time to connect with the elements Spirit has a way of encouraging our selves to quiet down and our souls to speak 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — July 9, 2013 @ 1:31 pm

  3. Wonderful post! The morning is definitely a great time to connect with your inner wisdom. I’ve also found that connecting at bedtime just before drifting off to sleep allows for a more restful sleep, and if there is a question that needs an answer, I pose it then for the subconscious to work its magic during the night. Thanks! Great resource here!

    Comment by Penny McDaniel — July 9, 2013 @ 11:08 am

  4. Dream Work, Penny, is amazing and one of the tools I use with my clients. It’s amazing what we can discover when we are resting 🙂 Thanks for your response!!!!

    Comment by Laura Clark — July 9, 2013 @ 1:30 pm

  5. Just yesterday I read an article on HuffPo about prominent business leaders who meditate every morning – people like Bill Gates, Bill Ford, Rupert Murdoch and Oprah. They say it’s what helps them achieve such a high level of success. Can’t wait for the How To post, Laura!

    Comment by Lori Nash Byron — July 9, 2013 @ 5:08 pm

  6. It’s interesting…..i was an early to rise person forEVER then I let that go by the wayside and guess what? My level of self-fulfillment went down the tubes! I’m trying to hold the reins in on posting my how to’s lori but it just might giddy-up by the end of the week! 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — July 9, 2013 @ 8:53 pm

  7. Thanks for the lovely reminder Laura… I have been blocked lately in connecting and it’s definitely because I don’t slow down long enough…it’s like a joke the universe likes to play. If I get up at 7, my kids get up at. 7:05. If I get up at 6, they decide to be chatty at 6:05! You are o right though, because if I set time aside mid day… My subconscious is already Irving on all cylinders…

    Comment by Kelly — July 9, 2013 @ 5:46 pm

  8. Thanks, Laura, for the post. Early mornings are great for listening to the inner voice. I love to take the dogs for a walk out among the trees in the pre-dawn hour. It is so still and so full of promise.

    Comment by Lilia Lee — July 10, 2013 @ 12:45 pm

  9. Tree Wisdom! They have so much 🙂 and of course, 4 footing wags too 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — July 10, 2013 @ 1:40 pm

  10. Great reminder, Laura. I tend to grab my iphone as soon as I wake up and slog through my emails and FB posts first thing. Not very conducive to tapping into my inner wisdom! (or peace, either). I’m making a public commitment here that I will spend at least 15 minutes in quiet when I wake. YAY!

    Comment by Sandi — July 10, 2013 @ 2:46 pm

  11. Oh Sandi! I so did that for a time ~ I simply keep it on a charger in my home office overnight now and I don’t open that door until I’ve spent time with my best friends ~ me and the 4 footers 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — July 11, 2013 @ 6:10 am

  12. Thanks for the reminder Laura!

    Comment by Dorothy Pang, The Natural Fertility Expert — July 11, 2013 @ 12:33 pm

  13. I agree mornings are a peaceful time before the busy-ness gets in the way. I love the thought of allowing my soul to speak the loudest in the “quiet-tude of morning.” Thanks for the reminders.

    Comment by Lori Manns — July 12, 2013 @ 4:43 pm

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