Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

How to combine work and vacation.

I’ve spent the last two weeks in a “workplaycation”. I set my sights on resting and relaxing and enjoying time in heaven (my family’s summer lake cabin.) I knew it would give me time to brainstorm and create momentum for the fall in my business. As well as afford me some time to do some of my own mindset work and soul visioning. For the most part, I’ve been successful. When you need to combine work and vacation, it’s the preparation part that will provide you with the most accomplishment of work while in-joying the vacation time to it’s maximum.

What I forgot on this “workplaycation” was the underlying principle that “Life Happens.”  Life happens beyond the bubble of your haven. And, because it was a “workplaycation”, you are not completely unplugged from it’s influence. Life also happens within your own haven no matter what . Being around family and having a medical emergency for one of my four footers underscored this. (She’s doing fine now after three trips to the ER vet ~ phew!!!!!) So, to combine work and vacation, this needs to be a realistic expectation.

Life happens and your plans shift. Not only did I need to do that for my dog but I also needed to do that when family & friend’s plans changed and some last minute business details needed to be attended to (that’s that outside the bubble part).  Indeed, my man ~who was not supposed to join me at all because of his work schedule at our home ~ ended up being able to join me for three day. Most of this was very, very good ‘schtuff’ But, Life happens, plans shift. When your goal is to accomplish some work, you can not let some of the shifts interfere with that nor can you let work interfere with your rest and relaxtion! So, how do you combine work and vacation and succeed?

One of my work stations during my workplaycation

One of my work stations during my workplaycation 

I’ve come up with a few guidelines for anyone else who wants to take a “workplaycation”:

Guideline #1: Design. Design. Design. Know your priorities. Determine what your goal is, set your priorities and keep the long term vision in focus as you  proceed.

Guideline #2: Choose your location wisely. Know what you want to accomplish and then choose the WHERE you want to be to do it.

Guideline #3: Chunk your time and know your boundaries. Be flexible but also be so determined that you say ‘no’ to other opportunities  that don’t serve you well. Work if you are supposed to be vacationing one afternoon or vacationing when you are supposed to be working! Stay true to guideline #2.

Guideline #4: Allow time for flow. Create extra reasonable expectations for things to be accomplished during a workplaycation. Within any project time, allow time for flow. Often things that are the most fun and most creative grow organically. While #3 guidelines are important, give yourself space to breathe.

Guideline #5: Remember that life happens. Emergencies often come up at the most inopportune time. When they do, you must absolutely attend to the matters at hand. When things are handled, then you can come back and recreate the #2 guidelines.

For me, Was it worth it to take a “workplaycation”? Was it worth it to combine work and vacation? Absolutely. Will I do it again? No doubt. Did I accomplish what I set out to? In some ways, no. In some ways, Yes. In other ways, a lot more than I ever expected.  I will create the next one with the lessons I received from  this one.

Would you ever consider a workplaycation? Would those rules serve you as a good guideline? Can you think of any others that would help? Heck, beyond using them to combine work with a vacation, can you see how some of these guidelines can serve your day to day work?

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  1. Great guidelines. Yes, these will serve as a solid foundation for day to day guidelines for a less stressful day and for an amazing life. Thanks for helping all create the life they want!

    Comment by Cindy Key — September 3, 2013 @ 6:32 am

  2. You’re welcome~ Glad you ‘got’ it 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — September 9, 2013 @ 11:58 am

  3. Great tips!I know that working from home, I can work or play but I always make specific time for both 🙂

    Comment by Barbara Boser — September 3, 2013 @ 3:24 pm

  4. Barbara ~ it’s true. I work from home and an office and it is really about creating what works for you 🙂 but I like the playcation part A LOT!

    Comment by Laura Clark — September 9, 2013 @ 11:59 am

  5. I love that you wrote : “allow time for flow” – I believe we’re on the cusp of really embracing our lives based on the flow models. I’ve been working on an assessment tool to help others do just that – Accept where they are, what they’re good at and ALLOW. It’s a very different way to think about time and space -but so very important. Instead of requiring tight time deadlines and control – it’s all about starting with a plan, yet working with the energies of the world. Thanks Laura.

    Comment by Cena Block from — September 6, 2013 @ 12:02 pm

  6. People will LOVE an assessment tool, Cena ~ it’s a great guideline for discovery and taking the next step!

    Comment by Laura Clark — September 9, 2013 @ 12:00 pm

  7. I so love your “workplaycation” concept! It embraces the fun that can be added to a working retreat – and allows for the cool work that can be done while away. I write a good amount about working retreats – I LOVE THEM – and this adds a whole new idea to the mix. I really am going to add in a bit more “play” in my next working retreat design, thanks to this. And importantly – I’m very happy to hear your pup is okay!

    Comment by Michelle — September 6, 2013 @ 12:20 pm

  8. Thanks, Michelle, for the pup energy. This concept is AWESOME for retreats. Mine was very much like that in so many ways~ when the family didn’t require me. I laughed with friends, journaled my heart out and really allowed myself to be in discovery mode! Let me know how it goes!:)

    Comment by Laura Clark — September 9, 2013 @ 12:02 pm

  9. Thanks so much for sharing this Laura!

    Last year, I was away for 3 weeks on a work-playcation, but I don’t think I was as good at planning as you are! I still find that I need complete vacation time off from the business (whether it’s weekends or an actual vacation) but I will definitely take your steps on board!

    Comment by Sarada — September 9, 2013 @ 6:04 pm

  10. You are right Sarada! We all need complete time away (vacation) and I do that in the winter. This was a new way of creating time while having to spend time in my business. Definitely learned a lot and it was definitely worth it!!

    Comment by Laura Clark — September 10, 2013 @ 11:23 am

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