Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

Breathe to Give More to Others!

Have you ever felt like you simply have no more to give?

I have. At that point, I know it’s time to re-new & re-energize.

But, how do you find the time to take in when you are being                                                                pulled in so many different directions?

How can you give when you seemingly have no more to give?

I’ve discovered a way!

It’s a type of Metta Meditation which is translated simply into Loving Kindness. It’s quite simple too. All you have to do is find just 5 minutes, we all have that! It has healing powers for yourself and other’s. Here’s what you do:

Find 5 minutes.

Center yourself and breathe in the intention of breathing in Peace. It calms you down, brings healing into your core being, and re-focuses your energy.

Then breathe out with the intention of breathing out Love. Love to yourself. Love to another. Love to the world.

See how you can bring a world of calmness to yourself while still supporting those around you? You can still give at the same time as receiving!

For more detailed information, visit   BREATHE IN PEACE, BREATHE OUT LOVE A guided meditation by Ven. Ayya Khema.  I have been doing this over the last few weeks, before I get out of bed in the morning and what a difference it has made in my day! When can you find 5 minutes to try it? And, don’t forget to Let me know how it works for you!

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