Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

Bodywork & Common Sense Go Hand in Hand to Support Your Immune System

This year’s cold and flu season is upon us. You can combat this prior to catching one if you are proactive get plenty of sleep, stay warm, get some bodywork and follow common sense.


Here are some ideas on the kinds of bodywork and simple common sense to help you stay healthy this winter season. Keep those germs at arms length and bolster your body and you’ll have a great winter!


Get a massage: Many studies have shown therapeutic massage to boost the immune system. A 1996 study on HIV/Aids patients showed an increase in beneficial immune system cells after receiving regular massage sessions. Massage can also be great when you are getting over being sick, to help your body recover more quickly.


Receive Specialized bodywork: Massage is good but advanced bodywork specifically addressing your immune system is even better. Here are just a few kinds:

Raindrop Therapy: uses essential oils have immune boosting properties, and because of the application of the oils in this treatment, they immediately affect the body and immune system, leaving you feeling refreshed and energized. This is a great treatment to help you get over a lingering cold or flu, or to be used proactively to strengthen the immune system.

Reflexology: Reflexology is a gentle, relaxing therapy using pressure applied to specific points on the feet, face, ears or hands that brings all of the complex systems of your body back into balance. Reflexology is a very relaxing treatment that can help boost the immune system and give you an incredible sense of wholeness and wellbeing. In My Facial Reflexology treatments, there is one step that is devoted entirely to supporting the lymphatic system


Lymphatic Drainage Massage: is a type of massage which is designed to promote the healthy flow of lymp throughout the body. This form of bodywork helps to eliminate blockages in the lymphatic system while also helping to pull out toxins within your body.

And of course, there is common sense but in our hectic lifestyles common sense can be difficult to implement! So as a reminder, try:

Using Essential Oils as a lifestyle habit: helps exponentially support your healing processes. Remember how Mom’s use of Vick’s vapo rub to help you? It’s active ingredients of camphor, eucalyptus oil and menthol were the reasons. Using therapeutic grade essential oils ~proactively ~ that have properties that support your immune system will fend off this year’s cold and flu’s.

Washing your hands & keep them away from your face: Yes, our mother’s were right. Keeping germs at a minimum can help keep them from entering your system.


Taking your vitamins: from fresh whole foods. But, let’s be honest, none of us get what is necessary in our daily diets. And, your body needs the appropriate fuel to keep your immune system functioning at it’s best level possible. Taking a daily multi vitamin will help bolster your immune system.

Drinking Plenty of water: I know we all hear this all the time, but I think that this is the single most important factor in the health of your immune system and you body in general. 8-10 glasses a day!

Think Positively: Research has shown that heart patients who are optimistic about their recovery are more likely to live longer than their counterparts according to researchers at Duke. So, Have a good Laugh, watch a comedy that you resonate with and while it’s really hard to not have negative thoughts, when you do replace them with positive self-talk.

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