Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

4 Ways to Make A Vision Board

There are a multitude of ways to create your Vision Board. Creating such a sacred tool ultimately comes down to one of these 4 ways to make a Vision Board. 

Ultimately, the most important aspect of choosing one way over another is that the Vision Board, or as I call them Sacred Soul Collages, you make be a message from your soul. Your soul knows the truth about what your deepest desires are. When you make one from listening to it’s whispers, you will discover the hidden messages for your life and be able to act upon them with inspiration.

I’ve made Vision Boards for over 30 years. I’ve made them in dorm rooms with college friends. I’ve made them by myself. I’ve attended one day workshops and I’ve attended programs. I’ve made them in the sanctuary of my own home. I’ve taught them in all these fashions as well. I taught them in pajama party style as a resident assistant in college. I’ve taught them in 2 to 8 hour workshops. I’ve taught them virtually. Each creates a different essence and quality to it.  One of my favorite Group Experiences as a participant was during my own Soul Coaching Training. You can just SEE the joy I had creating this sacred project with a Soul Sister!


4 Ways to Make A Vision Board: 

Guided Group Workshop ~ These are fun! You get to meet people, laugh and giggle with others and be guided through the process of building your own Vision Board. You can also share your vision with the people in the group. It’s creative and fun. There are a few challenges with these (when you keep them in mind, they are easily overcome). If you think you are not a very creative person, one challenge may be looking around and ‘comparing’ your board to another and mimicking one you like. Yes, I’ve seen this happen! Each board is as unique as we are ~ there is no room for comparison. Another challenge is the ‘noise’ factor. To hear your soul’s whisper, many need a quiet atmosphere and group activities such as these tend to make it difficult to do that

Group with Friends ~ I’m always looking for a fun way to get together with friends for a girls night in and having a Vision Board Evening can be a great way to gather! These typically do not have much structure. In many ways, that can be ideal to creating your own Vision full on with the love and support of friends. 

On Your Own ~  For the seasoned Vision board creator this can be very powerful. You understand the philosophy and what you are trying to create for yourself. Setting up your own sacred Space and doing this in a reflective, meditative environment allows you to truly listen to your soul as you create this sacred tool for yourself. 

Guided Virtual Workshop or Program ~ This is my personal favorite and I’ll tell you why. When you find the right mentor to create this, you get insights and support on how to create and use your vision board. As a group, you connect with other like minded people. You can share and support with them. You also get to create this in the comfort of your own home ~ in sacred space accessing that inner wisdom your soul so desperately wants to share with you. And, you get double bonus points if you choose to join a program where, over time, you receive support in manifesting all your desires!

These 4 ways to make a vision board are the basic ways. Variations on each certainly exist! What ways have you created a Vision Board? Which is your favorite and why? 

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If you want support in building a vision board now and are ready to commit to this process, join me for my 2106 Sacred Soul Collage Program beginning at the end of this month. Discover more <here


  1. WOW! Like the explanation of these 4 ways and the differences of each. I imagine all could be of benefit at different times and I can see the plus to your favorite Laura. Vision boards are new to me, yet I am learning the very power of this reflective, meditative tool to shape and shift my environment. Appreciate your insights on this ‘sacred tool’.

    Comment by Cindy — January 23, 2016 @ 8:37 am

  2. It is an inspiring tool and when you dig deep for the hidden messages it becomes every so powerful!!!

    Comment by Laura Clark — February 3, 2016 @ 11:02 am

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