Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

The Truth about Living Your Truth

In order to be fully Living Your Truth, you have to dig deep and get really honest with yourself.

Living Your Truth, SADs

Yesterday, in the Wednesday Wisdom Oracle Drawing in my Living Your Truth Community I spoke about my struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder. The struggle is real. It’s easy to ignore this truth. It’s easy to stop living your truth. It’s easy to simply want to pull the covers over my head and not step out.

If you don’t get real & truthful, ugliness continues. Living Your Truth gets harder and harder. 

I’m fortunate to have a deep pocket full of ways to continually elevate my vibration as the season’s energy tries to push it down. It’s not easy. It’s not fun. In fact, somedays, it’s downright ugly. Getting real with yourself can be that way.

The upside, however, in that is it gets easier when you do it more often. It takes the weight off when you do. You hear the wisdom within and it lifts you. And, you step out Living Your Truth more freely.

Living Your Truth is not always easy. How to get real with yourself, jumping over obstacles and step out inspite of your own self-sabotage.... Share on X

So, What gets me through? The Truth.

The truth of my purpose and my passion and connecting to it in every twist and turn of the day. And support. Support from my family, my sacred friends, my trusted advisors, and Source.


I couldn’t overcome all that SADs brings into my life without all of that.

And, look, I opened the Living Your Truth Sisterhood INSPITE of this truth of living with SADs because I did not avoid the work ~ I faced the fears of the inner work. I asked for support. I did the work. And, I am proud of it.


And with all of this, [the good and the ugly; the support and the SADs; the purpose and the fears] I launched my biggest endeavor yet, The Living Your Truth Sisterhood ~ a membership program that supports you to live your truth. The truth was the creating of it was actually pretty darn easy WHEN I did the inner work. ( Enrollment for this is closed right now but you can get on the waitlist for when it reopens here: )

This is the biggest lesson of Living Your Truth:

Doing the inner work is the hard part.
When avoided, you can not live your truth.
When you face your deepest, darkest fears, living your truth becomes easy.
Doing the inner work takes support. You can not do this alone. Being truthful takes objectivity about ourselves, which we, as humans, choose not to see clearly. We avoid it at all costs. We protect ourselves through our fears. Doing the inner work is hard but with support, it brings so much more to you.

Want to hear about the three things to do to get through SADS? Listen to this weeks VLOG <Here

What’s your truth? What’s that biggest darkest fear? And, who are you going to get to support you facing it?



What are you PROUD OF that you have faced? Using that energy helps you face any truth that arises.

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This is a Truthful Thursday! Step in & Step out

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