Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

The Benefits of a Personal Retreat

There are many benefits of a Personal Retreat. Why would anyone want to go off for a few days alone? Certainly at times when there is stress or anxiety in one’s life, it can give you clarity. Though truth be told, those times can be the hardest to get away because of the intensity of the situation.

Taking a Solo-Retreat is best done with creating a plan and having a purpose.

A personal retreat of dedicated time alone is very powerful for healing, inner transformation and gaining clarity. The solitude gives way for introspection in a way the busy world of day to day life does not. 

Taking a Solo-Retreat of dedicated time alone is very powerful for healing, inner transformation and gaining clarity. Listen to thoughts from my last one... Share on X

The Benefits of a Personal Retreat are so varied. What I love about them is that you can create by yourself, or in partnership with a mentor, the best possible kind for you. I’ve done many from quests out in nature to high-end beach hotels during the off season. Each has served a very significant purpose.

Here are my thoughts from my most recent one on the many benefits of a Personal or Solo Retreat!

Benefits_personal_retreatCreating a Personal Retreat takes commitment, planning and support. 

Commitment: What is it you are seeking during this time? Is it for personal growth and development? Is it for business growth? Is it to simply rest and relax?
Planning: Know what suits you. Do you want to travel and see a sight? Or do you want to simply stay close to home and unwind? What will you need to take with you to make the best use of the time away. *I went on a business retreat and, yes, forgot my laptop charger! There was a bonus to having it brought to me but, none-the-less, it would have been best to not forget it!!!
Support: You must be able to unplug from responsibilities as best you can. Commit to this time alone. If you must be in contact with home or business, set a specific, pre-determined time to check in and ask that any ‘drama’ be left aside when doing so. This is your time to recharge and receive restorative power and clarity so that you can come home with inspiration to support all your passions in your life.

When and why will you take your next Personal Retreat? Let me know in the comments below and if need support in creating it, Let me know!

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