Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

Time of Renewal ~ Take these 4 Actions this spring to Renew Your Spirit

Spring has arrived. It feels like a time of renewal! 

While nature is making it’s way to renew itself here in the Northern Hemisphere, you can use her energy to do so for yourself.  Spring is a time of renewal and can support you to re-energize!


Four Simple Things to do to Renew your self and spirit as Spring Unfolds before us!!! #soulwiseliving Share on X

Your Time of Renewal: Use the power of you ~ your mind, your emotions, your body and your spirit. 

1) Renew Your Mind! Take time to breathe. Step outside and take a deep breathe in. Try doing this first thing in the morning. You can feel the fresh dew and the birds beginning to chirp. And, begin the day with clean and crisp brain power.

2) Elevate Your Emotions! De~clutter. Things are powerful energy holders for our emotions. It’s time to get rid of anything you don’t Love or Use. Do one small area each morning. When you release a stack of papers or a draw stuffed with that that no longer serves you, feel your emotions being uplifted and embrace the freedom you have to feel the joy within.

3) Renew Your Body! Our bodies can take a toll with winter. Dry skin. Brittle hair. A few extra pounds. Begin this spring with a dry brushing to exfoliate your skin, clean out the pores and release toxins. Hydrate your skin afterwards and feel the renewal in your body. And, Celebrate the home that houses your soul!

4) Step Into Spirit! Create a new Altar welcoming Spring. Start with the intentions you have for the upcoming season and energize these into a New Altar. Be sure to create a lively one adorning it with colors, flowers and crystals that represent spring to you. Consecrate it using essential oils of spring time: lavender, chamomile, geranium.

Allow this time of Renewal is especially powerful when you set your intentions clearly. What new seeds will you plant? Do you have new ideas will you nourish? What new projects will you begin?

Set those intentions and then use the energy of the spring to renew your self and step forward to manifest your deepest desires!


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