Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

Why Reflection is Important & how to use it

Reflecting on changes in our lives is so very important to our personal growth. 

Lessons. Change. It happens all the time in our lives and reflection happens for us.  As I sit to write this, it’s a late summer morning in New England. The air is cool but not yet crisp. The sun is rising later than usual. Even the animals do not stir as quickly. All signs that their is change in the air. It is a time of quiet reflection. 

True reflection is good. It allows us to see what happened as a sacred observer. Reflection allows us to be objective of situations and times in our lives so that we may grow as individuals. With this reflection and growth comes the need to release what we once had and step forward to embrace the possibilities that change brings.

#Reflection is required of us to navigate forward with courage and growth. Share on X



Changes come from shifts in life. Changes come in education from going from high school to college. Changes come from shifts in personal relationships from adding a significant other to departing from one; from births to deaths. Change comes from moving jobs, homes. Change comes from the shifting of the seasons and from shifting of the tides. 

How we approach change very much shapes our attitudes and our beliefs. How we approach change affects what that change will bring us in the future. It’s natrual to be unsure when change is at our doorstep. It’s what we do with this uncertainty that matters most.

4 Ways on How to use #Reflection to forge ahead with #courage Share on X

4 Ways to Use Reflection to Forge Ahead:

  1. Acknowledge the fears. Uncertainty brings up fears. It brings up old fears we recognize and new ones yet unknown. Use the Power of Your Pen by journaling to uncover what fears are rising up; acknowledge them. Fears don’t like to be recognized. They like to stay in the dark and poke at you. when we recognize them, we diminish their power and find ways to counter them and step forward courageously.
  2. Be Grateful. Count your Blessings. Take time with your reflection to find gratitude for everything that has brought you to this place of change. Seeing all the good and the not-so-good of our past allows us to be grateful for the lessons and the life that has brought you to this doorstep of change.
  3. Get Support. 
    ~ Rely on trusted friends who can lend a compassionate ear and hold a place of non-judgement and space for you to vent, a place to verbalize your reflection and offer sage advice
    ~ Find a Tribe ~ a group of people who have traveled through this type of change before. There are support groups for everything. Do your due diligence and find one that does not allow you to hide behind the challenge but is pro-active in it’s approach to the change that is coming.
    ~ Find a Coach or counselor. One that can help you hear your own innate wisdom with greater clarity and support you acting upon it with more courage. 
  4. Capture The Feeling of what you desire. Reflection is important because it brings about what you want most in your life. Capture the feeling and the essence of this and bring that forward. Take that feeling and bring it forward into all that you do. This allows you to be in each moment with what you desire rather than be in the fear. 

Above All Else use Reflection to Create curiosity out of the change ahead. This allows us to set aside the uncertainty. It allows us to step away from the fears that arise and step into the possibilities that change brings. This curiosity brings with it a sense of adventure and courage that we all seek in life. 

Change Happens. Reflection of that change allows for growth and the ability to move ahead with courage. Discovering what was good and bad. Becoming grateful for the lessons and the life that has brought you to this point and forging ahead with curiosity allows you to draw in all that you desire and have greater joy and love in your life at all times inspite of the uncertainty and fear that comes with that change. 

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