Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

How to Clutter Clear & Spring Clean

The Best Way to Clutter Clear and Spring Clean from a Feng Shui perspective is to begin with a solid foundation and then allow energy to flow through your home. 

Feng Shui is the art of placement that allows energy to freely flow through your space and create alignment for the intentions you have in your life. Clutter inhibits the free flow of energy. During this sacred time of spring cleaning, we all attempt to create vibrant space to bring in this energy and release the old stagnant energy of the winter. How best to Clutter Clear and Spring Clean is a common question I am asked.

#clutter clear & spring clean to allow the foundation of your home to support your #intentions. Begin in this space for maximum energy in your home #Feng shui Share on X

I believe that we must begin with the foundation of our lives. That is represented, from a feng shui perspective, in our basements. This is where we set ourselves up for having strong foundations in our relationships, in our professions, in our health and in our happiness. If the basement (or first level) of your home is filled with clutter, creating a solid foundation this spring to step forward into manifesting intentions will be made more difficult. 

Once the basement is cleaned out, then look at the entry way into your home for the best way to clutter clear and spring clean.

energy_flow_feng_shuiCan you open the door fully? Is there clutter in this area? How about the Stoop ~ does it draw you to the door? Clutter clear here and spruce up your entry way with a pot of flowers or a set of chairs to draw the energy to your home. Between the foundation of your home supporting you and the entryway drawing new, invigorating energy to your home, you can now focus on creating and manifesting the intentions and desires you have for your life this spring.

Want to discover more ways to support using Spring as a Foundation for Soul Wise Living? Join me for this month’s complimentary Enrichment Webinar: Living by The Wisdom of Your Inner Compass on March 22nd! I’ll be discussing all thing’s associated with Spring’s Own intuition and how to bring it into your life. Register <here> 

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