Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

For Clarity ~ Cleanse the Energy in Your Office

If you want the energy to support you in your office, it’s important to keep it clean and clutter free. It’s important to keep your space feeling safe, peaceful and one that nurtures all of you. It is also how you will get massive clarity The best way to create this energy and gain clarity is to cleanse the Energy in your office.  


You can feel the energy (or atmosphere if you will) in a space the moment you walk into it. Your office has energy of it’s own. You can change the atmosphere in a room almost instantaneously to cleanse the energy and shift it to something that is more s loving; nurturing and sacred. It’s about refreshing the space so that it does not inhibit any part of you but rather serves you for Joy.

8 Quick Ways to Cleanse the Energy in Your Office for Clarity and Greater Success Share on X

For Greater Clarity, Try any one of these ideas: 

1) Clutter clear ~ it avoids distractions and allows the energy in your office to move freely around  

2) Use Sound ~ play music in the background to elevate the energy in your office.

3) Move Around ~consider a stand up desk to allow for this and greater energy flow.

4) Clap ~ will clear the air of negative energy.

5) Open a window ~ let the fresh air cleanse the space.

6) Use Scents ~ infusing aromatherapy will enliven the energy to support you.

7) Add Flowers ~ they spruce up and exude natural energy into a space.

8) Laugh & Giggle ~ these will bring love and joy into your place. 

By cleansing your office often, you will gain more clarity. By simply creating the energy in your office to support you, you become more focused on what you are doing. You are inspired to do your best work and you grow in gaining success and having a bigger impact. 

What is your favorite way to shift the energy in your office quickly and easily? When was the last time you did that? 

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