Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

After The Retreat……

You go to a great retreat (or conference or girls weekend away) and everything feels new and inspiring. You have clarity where there was once confusion. You have vision where there was once blindness.You are ready to rock the world! I did this last week after my Advanced Soul Coaches Training. I felt on top of the world ~ like I did when I was walking the labyrinth there.

Full Moon Drumming Ceremony Summerhill Ranch

Full Moon Drumming Ceremony Summerhill Ranch

So, you arrive home and the magic, it fades and sometimes quickly. Things there are the same at home and at work. Chores and projects are still around you. The to-do list is longer since you were away. Life has gone on even though you were away gaining valuable information. And some people in your life have had to ‘hold down the reins’ while you were away.’

So, how then do you maintain the high vibration of your awe-mazing time away? Try this recipe:

1. Prepare as best you can for your time away. And, allow for things not to be status quo while you are gone.

2. Listen when you come home. Listen to what’s been going on with patience and a supportive ear. Do this BEFORE you glow on about your time away.

3. Share what you learned ~ when the time is right. It may take a day or two for you to have that opportunity.

4. Honor the lessons you learned. Implement One new thing ASAP. It plants the seed for success later on.

5. Touch the Retreat. Get something, a momento, that you can touch or see often to return to the feel of it.

6. Stay Connected. Keep in touch with the like-minded people you met.

7. Plan Space after the retreat. Plan time to allow the lessons to infuse in you or time to implement what you have learned.

8. If you are trying to implement things in your home or business, be patient with yourself and others. Rome was not built in a day. Success is created step by step.

Have you ever returned from a retreat or conference and had your bubble burst shortly after it? What have you done to keep the vibration high from it? 

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  1. Laura, I love the idea of a momento to bring home. I always do this but never thought of the purchase in this light. Now I know why I’ve been drawn to doing this.

    Comment by Louise Behiel — September 23, 2014 @ 12:02 am

  2. Touch the Retreat…….Yes, you are doing it intuitively. I always keep mine handy for awhile to uplift the vibration of my home or office! And for those truly once in a lifetime retreats/conferences I find ways to keep the “TOUCH” around a lot longer!

    Comment by Laura Clark — September 23, 2014 @ 9:46 am

  3. Great advice. My favorites are 2 &4. Listening before you share, a wonderful way to honor others. Thanks!

    Comment by Cindy — September 23, 2014 @ 5:32 am

  4. It most certainly honors others and with the support that others in our lives give us to go away, it’s so important to remember to do this!

    Comment by Laura Clark — September 23, 2014 @ 8:30 am

  5. Laura you have been instrumental in helping me through my post let down after an event… It’s like you’re riding on a high and all of a sudden you’re standing there all a lone again with tons of stuff swirling wildly between your ears…

    Comment by Kelly — September 23, 2014 @ 8:04 am

  6. It can be that and so much more!!!!! Once you understand this is a syndrome (PRLD ~ Post Retreat Let Down!), you can create ways to minimize how it affects you!!! Don’t let PRLD diminish the return on your investment.

    Comment by Laura Clark — September 23, 2014 @ 8:24 am

  7. Hi Laura! Love this and Thank You for sharing! I truly believe in keeping in touch with the people we connect with to support and encourage each other!

    Comment by Pat — September 23, 2014 @ 3:20 pm

  8. Connection. It’s important for so very reasons and most of all, like you say, encourage and I’ll add, Love one another!!!

    Comment by Laura Clark — September 23, 2014 @ 4:20 pm

  9. Hi Laura,

    One of the first things I did after a weekend workshop with Martha Beck was have a 2.5 hour conversation with a friend of mine who totally gets what I experienced. The second thing I did to keep the fires burning was read one of Martha’s books. The high is amazing…but it does fade once we’re back in our daily doings. Two years later, the spark is still there and the lessons I learned about how to create boundaries that protect me from negative energy I now teach others. xo Peggy

    Comment by Peggy — September 24, 2014 @ 7:55 am

  10. I can so resonate with this. Great post and the photo just wants me to book my next retreat. x

    Comment by Carina — September 24, 2014 @ 8:41 am

  11. Carina! Thanks, I love the photo. I took it on the night of the Super Moon just before drumming it in!

    Comment by Laura Clark — September 25, 2014 @ 8:15 am

  12. I love this post! All too often we experience magic, do great work and then it fades away. Thanks for sharing how to preserve the blessings of sacred workshops.

    Comment by Shann — September 24, 2014 @ 8:54 am

  13. You are welcome, Shann! It is so important to take the lessons and vibrations of magic and not let it fade away, isn’t it?!

    Comment by Laura Clark — September 25, 2014 @ 8:16 am

  14. Wow! This is such a helpful blog post. I love all your tips. I will definetely keep these in mind as I visit my next retreat. Sharing the love.

    Comment by Nadia — September 24, 2014 @ 12:34 pm

  15. Thanks, Nadia! Let me know how it goes the next event you go to!

    Comment by Laura Clark — September 25, 2014 @ 8:17 am

  16. PRLD syndrome! YES! brilliant. Having some rituals in place for your “return to regular life” is super smart so you can bring the sacred space with you.

    Thank you for this wisdom Laura.

    Comment by Joy — September 24, 2014 @ 12:49 pm

  17. Joy! My sister and I have all these ‘syndromes’ in place. It makes it laughable AND understandable 😉

    Comment by Laura Clark — September 25, 2014 @ 8:17 am

  18. Such great advice Laura. I was at an amazing 3-day experience this past weekend and was so high yesterday it was hard to focus. Still feeling inspired but can feel it waning as the day-to-day stuff of kids, husband and life creep in. I loved your tips, especially having a physical touch stone to remind me of the experience. And I love the idea of making sure to preschedule some down time on the return.

    Comment by Minette — September 24, 2014 @ 3:05 pm

  19. Minette~ sending lots of Joy & Light for extending your vibration from your wkd to you!!!

    Comment by Laura Clark — September 25, 2014 @ 8:18 am

  20. I’ve often felt the deflation of coming home from something that was elevating. Wonderful list of things to do…. I particularly like sharing what I’ve learned and honoring what I’ve learned as well.

    Comment by Lilia Lee — September 25, 2014 @ 12:01 pm

  21. Lilia ~ it can be such a time of air spewing out of a balloon but with this list ~ it can remain full!! Hope it helps!

    Comment by Laura Clark — September 29, 2014 @ 1:06 pm

  22. Laura, this is perfect timing, as I am embarking on an exciting event next week. (Will I see you there?!) This advice is very helpful, especially the patience part. I have experienced this also after big travel experiences, like after I returned from spending a year in Switzerland. These kinds of experiences are so wonderful, but also fleeting. They have the potential to be life changing, but only if we allow them to be.

    Comment by Sarah Schwab — September 25, 2014 @ 4:36 pm

  23. So excited to see you Sarah!!!! 🙂

    Comment by Laura Clark — September 29, 2014 @ 1:06 pm

  24. Great advice! #6 really resonates with me. It helps to be able to reconnect to the people that made the retreat so special.

    Comment by Jennifer Gregorski — September 26, 2014 @ 8:42 am

  25. Reconnect allows for inspiration yes, Jennifer!!!

    Comment by Laura Clark — September 29, 2014 @ 1:04 pm

  26. I may need to have numbers 2 and 8 tattooed on a forearm so I have a constant reminder to get caught up with the home front first and to be patient as I seek to implement new ideas at home. THANKS for writing those two tips just for me! 🙂

    Comment by Kathleen Watson — September 29, 2014 @ 12:38 pm

  27. Tattoes!!! They help….but maybe not a permanent one for after you have mastered this 😉

    Comment by Laura Clark — September 29, 2014 @ 1:03 pm

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