Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

V is for Vision

The Soul-Wise Living Alphabet

Inspired April 2013

The Soul-Wise Living Alphabet is launched to Awaken Your Spirit & empower your thinking. Words are Energy! They can lift us up and they can just as easily bring us down. Spirit driven words will raise your vibration UP. By finding the meaning these words have in your life and embracing them, one at a time each day ~ after the course of a month, The Soul-Wise Living Alphabet will have raised your energy up. My desire for you is that you are able to embrace your inner spirit  and, as a result, live In-Joy. ~ laura


V is for Vision.

Do you remember having visions as a child? We didn’t call them that then. We called them dreams, desires. How many times were you asked “what do you want to be when you grow up?” How many times did you play make-believe or dress up? These were visions that you had of what you wanted ~ what you thought would be fun, exciting and adventurous. 

Having a vision for your future is imperative to Soul-Wise living.  When you listen to your inner wisdom and discover your purpose, the oddest thing happens. You begin to understand this: each time you feel like you reach that purpose, you realize there is so much more to it. Your purpose actually GROWS with you. Because of this your VISION grows too.

The vision and the quest for the vision is the BIG why. Following your vision with daily steps is what creates Joy in your life. It gives you a peace of mind during the day that “Yes, I can do anything regardless of the obstacles I may see in my path.”  It gives you the small smile on your face when you hit the pillow at night that allows you to understand and see all the blessings that are your’s right now.

Vision may be hard to find. We’ve forgotten, in the daily ‘grind’, of life how to play make-believe, dress up and what do you really want to accomplish. There are several exercises that you can do to discover and unveil this for you and once you have, keep it in the forefront of your mind. One of my favorites is a Vision Seed Map or Soul Collage

Have you played make-believe in your mind lately? Do you know your vision? Do you create time (daily, weekly, monthly) to re-visit it and stay on track with it?

If you like this Alphabet and it is helping inspire you, please share the “Living In-Joy” with your friends by clicking the links below! And, don’t forget to share your thoughts below too, I’d love to hear from you!


  1. I remember taking a class in college, and the professor asked us what do you want to be when you grow up? Then she changed it and said what did you want to be when you were a child, before the age of 12? It was her belief that starting as early as 12- life would get in the way of chasing your dreams. WoW!
    I loved that class!


    Laura Clark Reply:

    Sounds like a great professor! Actually, a lot of the people who look at the influences of childhood on following dreams say that as early as 6 an event or series of events have had profound influences on our ability to step forward into our dreams!!!! 🙂


    Comment by Denys Kelley — April 25, 2013 @ 7:41 am

  2. Hopped over to your link about “seed map” and saw the part about clearing you space – ABSOLUTELY needed to read that today! I’ve been thinking it now I’ll DO it!


    Laura Clark Reply:

    Clearing space is a crucial peace to creating & living on purpose ~ I do it before I start working each day! 🙂


    Comment by Carrie — April 25, 2013 @ 7:42 am

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