Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

Do you read the Signs Given You?

Do you ever see the signs given to you? Do you ever understand the signs given to you?  Here’s what I mean: I was driving to work yesterday ~my commute is pretty rural ~ which I love. I wasn’t enjoying the ride. My mind was full of the goals that I had set for myself for the day. I was challenged with the proverbial question: Did I bite off more than I could chew? 

So, I started saying “I have the strength” It helped me relax ~ a little. In that moment, I started noticing signs, literally. Do you read the signs given you? I do. It’s funny. I know that part of the road that I drive on is part of the hiking system in RI. I hike so I know what the signs on trees mean. And, I began to wonder how much of the road was the trail. As it turns out, a lot more than I though. It goes for at least a mile. As I was watching the trees for the next sign, I thought to myself, why am I seeing these right now.

blue blazeedited


Do you read the Signs Given you? I do. I was being told take today one tree at a time ~ one task at a time. One sign post at a time. I got it!! And, by listening to the sign it really helped me as I was going down my list checking off the things I was doing. One Step at a time. One task at a time. One client at a time. By doing following the signs give me on that drive, I was able to stay in the moment, enjoy my work, have more joy and be present for my clients.

Thank Goodness for signs. Do you read the Signs Given You? They are there ~ all around you. What was the last one you saw? Or what sign is right there right now in front of you?

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  1. This is a great reminder for me. I keep worrying too much about what needs to be done to get to the end of this part of my journey instead of just taking one step at a time. Thank you for sharing 🙂


    Laura Clark Reply:

    It’s so easy to do, isn’t it Janice? If we just determine what we want, chart the course and take it step x step, who can not succeed?!!! You’re welcome! KEEP SMILING


    Comment by Janice — January 17, 2013 @ 8:49 am

  2. Nice blog! I ALWAYS trust my intuition, it has never let me down…


    Laura Clark Reply:

    “The Soul Knows the Truth” Glad you know that 🙂


    Comment by Caro Ness — January 17, 2013 @ 9:01 am

  3. Nice post….one step at a time…and be mindful of your surroundings..= less stress and more focus on getting the job done.


    Comment by Delia Bourne — January 17, 2013 @ 1:24 pm

  4. I like this one a lot, Laura! I like the idea of taking the forest, one tree at a time.


    Laura Clark Reply:

    Yes, one step at a time. I’m in the middle of moving my office this weekend ~ one step at a time!!!!!!!! 🙂


    Comment by Janine Sarna-Jones — January 17, 2013 @ 6:45 pm

  5. And maybe part of the message was, YES, you are on the right path!!


    Laura Clark Reply:

    No doubt, Linda! Just follow the signs of the path you are on one step at a time….funny, too. There’s not a stop sign or stop light for another 5+ miles on that stretch 😉


    Comment by Linda — January 18, 2013 @ 7:14 am

  6. Wow this is beautiful Laura… I am such a concrete thinker and one who visualizes processes and how they need to be fixed to function at the highest capacity… Seeing signs is sometimes difficult for me, because I am always looking for a rational reasoning…? Thanks for the reminder! I needed to hear this!


    Laura Clark Reply:

    I so understand your comment, Kelly! When we stay ‘in our brain’ it’s so hard to allow ourselves to see some signs in our lives, but they are there. I started seeing them through guided meditation. I was then able to start seeing them in my daily life ~ as I did on this one particular commute!


    Comment by Kelly — January 19, 2013 @ 4:43 pm

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