Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

How To Use Journal Prompts for A Life On Purpose and filled with passion

Journal prompts help both the novice and expert journaler for many reasons.

As a Science, discovering a method of journaling that works for you assists you is vital. It is a science in that it allows your brain to redirect where it belongs. It allows it to go from the negative to the positive and the possibilities of life.  In developing the skill of journaling, it will allow you to to get out of your mind, and understand your emotions. It connects with your soul for answers that are true for you. Using Journal Prompts allows you to discover that “Your Soul Does Know the Truth.”

journal, Laura Clark, Soul Wise Living, prompts, journal prompts

As an Art, journaling is about letting go of perceived notions that it must follow structure to create content. It is about allowing yourself to go beyond rigid constructs to uncover the truths you are seeking.

The secret to Sacred Soul Journaling is this: allowing the pen to listen to the chatter and write it down! You feel the emotions that come from this type of writing. Then, settling in, you begin to write from the wisdom of you inner soul.

How to Use #Journal Prompts to step powerfully forward in all that you do. #sacredsouljournaling Click To Tweet

One of the best ways to start the process of expanding your journaling is to use prompts. Journal Prompts allow you to begin to assess the areas of your life that you are willing to explore. You can uncover that which is supporting you and that which it will be best to shift for your highest good.

Journal Prompts allow you to delve into the often mysterious relationship you have with yourself through the art of journaling.

Using Journal prompts is a great way to begin the path of an entry. You begin to allow flow to happen ~ often you begin one place and end somewhere on a completely different course!

Journal prompts can be used when stumped about where to start. They help when you are ready to face the truth and delve into your soul’s wisdom about a specific situation.

Being stumped around journaling can often happen. It happens to novices and experts alike. Sometimes, this comes out of not knowing yourself well enough, yet, to allow the pen to flow. Other times, being stumped is simply out of being in a rut with your journaling. Journal Prompts put the spark into both of these situations.

Grab your copy of 101 Sacred Soul Journal Prompts —-> <here> to inspire and ignite your journaling to step boldly into your courageous life! 

When you use journal prompts and allow your pen to flow, you will often say at the end of the entry: “I had NO idea I was going there!”  

When you say this, you have successfully charted your course for accessing the truth through Sacred Soul Journaling™. Sacred Soul Journaling™ is the process I teach. It uncovers this so that you can understand it more clearly. And, gives you ways to act upon it more powerfully for a greater life of purpose and passion. 

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