Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

U is for Unite

The Soul-Wise Living Alphabet

Inspired April 2013

The Soul-Wise Living Alphabet is launched to Awaken Your Spirit & empower your thinking. Words are Energy! They can lift us up and they can just as easily bring us down. Spirit driven words will raise your vibration UP. By finding the meaning these words have in your life and embracing them, one at a time each day ~ after the course of a month, The Soul-Wise Living Alphabet will have raised your energy up. My desire for you is that you are able to embrace your inner spirit  and, as a result, live In-Joy. ~ laura


U is for Unite.

Yesterday, I spoke about T being for Together and to gather. So you might wonder what the difference is between that and being able to unite a group for support. U is for Unite but in the Soul-Wise Living alphabet it’s about uniting the four elements into your life to live by the wisdom of your soul.

When you Unite Air, Water, Fire & Earth and what they represent, you will feel well rounded in your life, and supported and loved on your journey. The elements correlate with your intellect, your emotions, your spirit and your physical being. Each of these has a role in your life. When you live out of balance within these, you will be misguided and take steps out of alignment with who you are. 

When you unite these four parts of yourself, you will live be able to make choices and decisions based on your inner wisdom. You can use the elements and their properties to be able to balance these four parts of you. It is within this balance that dreams are awakened and actions are taken. Using air to balance your thoughts, Water to balance your emotions, Fire to balance your spirit and Earth to balance your physical self, you allow spirit to come through you to live on your purpose. When you unite these, you have the power to do anything.

Do you live in one part of yourself (intellect, emotions, spirit, physical) more than another? What do you do in your life to balance these and unite them int your life?

If you like this Alphabet and it is helping inspire you, please share the “Living In-Joy” with your friends by clicking the links below! And, don’t forget to share your thoughts below too, I’d love to hear from you!


  1. What an interesting way of looking at balance. I’ve never thought of it that way. Thanks for this.


    Laura Clark Reply:

    Thanks Francene. As I said, I could have continued the ‘together’ theme but I really do feel like balancing the elements is UNITING oneself with their whole instead of living off-kilter!


    Comment by Francene Stanley — April 24, 2013 @ 6:31 am

  2. I agree. Life is such a balance. Great word choice for U!


    Laura Clark Reply:

    Thanks Talya! U was a hard one to come up with because the 8 year old child in me immediately thinks Unicorn! 🙂


    Comment by Talya Tate Boerner — April 24, 2013 @ 9:41 am

  3. I found this post really thought-provoking, thanks.


    Comment by Linda — April 24, 2013 @ 7:08 pm

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