Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

Creating Your Own Sanctuary

I discovered an amazing place this summer: my own outdoor sanctuary.  It is a quiet spot on the side of the road next to a river~ a 5 minute drive from my house. There is a small waterfall and  a small parking lot at this spot. Beside the occasional kayak being launched, no one is ever there.

It’s the PERFECT spot. It combines all the elements ~ water, air, fire and earth ~ and one can be so inspired to write from the wisdom of your inner soul. I’ve had some amazing revelations doing this.


But, it’s fall. And, I’m not happy! I”m losing my sanctuary. It’s getting too cold to sit there. I know. I tried this afternoon.

I need a sanctuary in my life. Everyone needs one. It is a spot that allows you to spend time aligning with your inner wisdom and listen to your soul. It can be where you meditate,  contemplate , do nothing,  journal, create affirmations, write in your gratitude book.  It is an absolute must for spiritual growth and development.

So, now it’s time to Create My Own Inner Sanctuary in my home. (I used to work full time out of my healing office and had my space there but have this year been working out of my home more often and only get to the office a few days a week.)

I don’t have a sanctuary in my home ~~~~~~~~~~ YET!  But, I do have one in mind~ the corner of our guest room will work just wonderfully. I even have my list for this sanctuary and the best thing is that I have all these items hanging around my house. It includes:

Now, I have to go and create this before someone else claims the corner! Beware, I may not be inviting guests over for awhile. I know I will be able to go there at any time to clear my energy, sit quietly and allow my soul to guide me in solving any challenge.

It’s important to have a ‘spot’, a sanctuary, don’t you think? One that you can call your own. Somewhere you can go and not be disturbed. While this may be hard, everyone can do it. I even have a friend who, at one point, used a small closet. She has set it up with an old futon mattress for her daily meditation!

If you’ve never had the luxury of a place where you can go on a regular basis to recharge, create one. It will be the best gift you can ever give yourself. And, remember, even a closet can work!

Do you have your own sanctuary? What is important for you to have in your’s or the one you will create!?

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